gentrificating fire team

I don’t understand how they can call it when there’s only 25% of the vote counted so far. 

Kemp is the worst, the WORST, in this entire fucking field. If Georgia can’t defeat that guy, I don’t even know what to fucking say. Fuck.

You’ve got a carbon tax on the ballot too, that’s my favorite!

Well, they can and they will. But, I take your point. 

Same here, except I’m lying on the couch with a beer and a pair of dogs. 

I disagree. She absolutely has the pull to be the difference. 

Yeah! Like maybe daily for the past week? But, maybe she feels it has more impact this way? I mean, maybe it will get some people out who couldn’t have been reached any other way? 

I strongly encourage you to never read his tweets or listen to anything he says. It’s completely pointless, and will just make you ill for no reason. 

I hope that passes, what are it’s chances? 

However, since it still hurts like hell while it’s there, your comment has little do with her situation. 


Jesus Christmas Ruth. That’s chillingly accurate. 

Don’t do that. He loves that. 

Yes, it’s the same, “you forced me to beat you, why did you do that?” arguement that abusers always use.

They got a lot of milage out of Hillary but she’s not available anymore. So, next up!

Collin Farrell didn’t want to be tied into that role for five movies, did he? I’m assuming that’s why they did that. 

What do you think they do with the dried out old bodies after they cut the  heads off?

he knows his crowd. 

Colorado is going to be as hot as Arizona. It’s not going to be that nice. 

yes, but we have far, far fewer people and we are number two in terms of contributing to climate change. so, it seems like it would be nice if we did something about it.