gentrificating fire team

i hear you!!! off to bed for me for sure. some binge netflix, some novels, some baths, and some dogs. good medicine. (also, thank you for asking about the cancer. so far, ok. i take it a day at a time, it helps keep me focused on why i want to be alive.) xo

I agree that it’s appropriate to feel bad, but that’s not the same as it’s appropriate to give up or give in. I think really one of the most powerful and important things we can do in resistance is value ourselves and take care of ourselves. It makes us stronger and it shines a light to others who are in pain that

Are you....I dont’ want to say “OK” because that seems stupid, but are you in a better place than you were when you wrote this? Please don’t stop all the things that were helping you because of what these maggots (that’s an insult to maggots) are doing, you do matter and your light is needed now. Please keep shinning

word of truth. I’m going to guess he’s not. 

yes, I’m happy with Murkowski right now, but we must remember that she is an actual republican and she wants to drill ANWAR. I do not really want her as president, though she’d be worlds better than what we have now. 

That is what they think we need more of. They’re all about it. The same rules that apply to the rest of us don’t apply to them in their opinion, and the more people they put in positions of power that agree with that, the more true it becomes. 

OK, fine, this is a good point. I guess we can call him a Democrat as long as we acknowlege that he actually isn’t one. 

Heitkamp is in hot water up to her neck, but she still did the right thing. 

He is a republican. I think we should just go ahead and call him that. 

He didn’t actually apologize, you know.

I love this. 

That seems likely. I’m not sure I believe he’ll be willing to say that, though, especially with this severly abridged “investigation” which doesn’t allow of any other witnesses to challenge him on behaviors or patterns. 

How much? It looks like any amount is no problem, doesn’t it? I’m so disheartened to realize how abridged this FBI investigation actually is, and also really angry at myself for not seeing that coming.

Yeah, I worry about that too. It seems like it will at some point with the way things are going. 

Maybe. I saw at least one headline somewhere today claiming that they don’t care about the midterms if they can stack the court. They’re smarter than us that way. 

I worry a lot about hanging all our hopes on Judge. I wouldn’t be even remotely surprised if he doesn’t remember that summer at all. It’s creeping me out and I really hope they look farther than just that one guy. 

God knows I hope with good reason. 

Yes. His inablity to wait one more week for an actual investigation to be done was very telling. 

especially now that Lindsey Graham is going off. 

You ain’t lyin. It’s why his people love him. I watched this once I got home on C span, and they have random citizens call in with their impressions during breaks, and I can say without reservation that he is not alone. Dear God.