gentrificating fire team

I believe that ferns have the power to controll our behavior without our knowlege, and periodically they decide they’d like to get out and spend some time in a restaurant. Shortly thereafter, we have another wave of ferns as restaurant decor for no apparent reason. It just happens whenever the ferns get restless.

I would not have a coat made out of an ostrich as a gift, even from someone I liked. A 40 million dollar yacht, however, I could stomach. 

That really is all you need to know. 

It looks like a dead bird that’s been mashed flat and made into an ugly coat. Of course it’s disgusting.

You are not lying! I ecountered a gang of supposedly mellow bovines on a walk in the country a few years ago. They are severly intimidating when they are all rushing at you in a pack (or even one at a time). They are quite large. And heavy. And serious about it.

This sucks, because Daffy is my favorite, but I can not deny the truthfullness of it. 

I dunno, I think a political cartoon that ends with Russian roulette is particularly appropo, showing that the classics can rise to any occasion. Also, Rabitt of Seville was one of my favorites as a kid but “What’s Opera Doc” is the one that brought me to tears laughing. In a theater, even.

Well, that would be worth something. She causes my head to burst into flame every time I think about her. 

It’s you who are toying with her, by choosing the city over her sylvan charms. 

And, it could also be a distraction from the attacks that are underway on the Endangered Species Act and the emails the Interior Department accidently released. 

You need to stay alive till November. Just keep that in mind and pace yourself. :)

Yes, that’s my understanding too, especially among independents, which is crucial. Also, I believe that the number of people who identify as Republican has declined. Not a lot, but some, which is also good. 

Really good, that. 

I don’t have any doubt it’s an attempt to distract from Putin, Mueller, Helsinki and everything they imply. First he tried distracting us with Cohen, then he tried the NFL, but neither of those worked very well, so now there’s this. All it means is that the Russia connection is the real issue.

It’s like how we keep getting reports that republicans who hold elected office are horrified, just HORRIFIED, in private but don’t dare say so publicly because of their crippling fear of the BASE. I’m so fucking sick of hearing about how horrified THEY are.

They don’t give a flying fuck at the moon about the children or the grandchildren. I thought we established that a few weeks ago.

I feel that way too. The destruction they are doing to the environment continues almost unchallenged because of all the other destruction they are doing that distracts from this destruction, which is actually the most important destruction but people don’t care because of all the other more immediate destruction.

That is the story that finally literally caused me to fall off my chair. I am simply, utterly, completely gobsmacked by this.

My eyes have been stuck in the top of my head for the last two years. It makes it really hard to drive. 

I can’t wait for people who think they aren’t bigots to stop saying they wish all the old people would die, because obviously all the old people are evil and all the young people are fucking lovely. Tell that to Stephen Miller and Sarah Sanders, why don’t you?