Doing the job thoroughly and accuratly is not a joke. This is not (though it feels like) a TV show, houses don’t get completely remodeled in half an hour.
Doing the job thoroughly and accuratly is not a joke. This is not (though it feels like) a TV show, houses don’t get completely remodeled in half an hour.
Yes she is. I hope they’ve got enough security for her. I know she’s cancelled some speaking engagements because of death threats.
Brilliant! Thank you for posting.
I have never been to New York City. Why do you have so many giant inflatable rats there?
His treatment of the 92 year old Queen just enraged me. Not in the way that so many things enrage me these days (with a strong edge of hysteria and despair..), but just with a pure rage. Even if she wasn’t the Queen, she’s ninty fucking two, and he could have made a fucking effort. He’s He’s…
That sounds like it would result in a delightful dorgi. Trump is such a coward, I would think the two of them could take him without all that much trouble.
Maybe his mentally ill. It could be the onset of dementia. If he’s slipping and he spends a lot of time with Fox, it could explain it. Medication and blowing up the TV might help.
No, it’s who they are now. Actually, it’s who they’ve been for some time, they’re just being more honest about it now.
Yeah, and we need to be strategic about how we outnumber them. We need more costal liberals in the interior, places like Iowa City, Madison, Omaha, Indianapolis, Cleveland, etc. I live in Illinois, which is blue only because of Chicago. We need metropolitan centers in other midwest states to be able to pull their…
He does. That evil one from the Twilight Zone, which is where we live now so it all makes sense.
I’m in favor of the “Our Heads of State” one. That packes every insult imaginable into one sentence.
You’re saying he’s a walking talking pathogen? Because I would absolutely believe that.
“Broomhead”? Really? Really???
It just drives me nuts. I seriously believe that these two words will be incorporated into one within the next decade in spite of all attempts to stop it, because so many people ACTUALLY do not seem to know that they are different.
Yes, absolutely. Though honestly, the chefs coming out of the kitchen to yell at the protesters who appear to have been primarily denizens of the bar across the street does strike me as a bit funny!
“autosatirical twatdangle” is my new burner name, as of now.
Fascinating. I think “aggressive” is the key word there, but I’m getting so jumpy it’s hard for me to tell when I’m being paranoid and when I’m not.
I’m with you. I fast forward through anything he says on podcasts, I don’t read the tweets, I don’t watch him on TV, I give him no direct attention at all. I think we should stop covering him all together and just cover the results of republican rule, and what we can do to help and to fix it. That’s all we should pay…
I believe it is because you claim to seriously propose that Clinton will run in 2020 and that she would win if she did.