gentrificating fire team

Yeah, I agree. Allowing Fox to run clips of “poor ol fragile Mitch” being harrased is not the way to get our side to the polls, it’s the way to get their side to the polls.

Are...are you suggesting that he was baiting us? Because I could completely believe that. 

Well done. Thank you. 

Really? Where do you get that about the ref clearly instigating? All I see at the opening of the first clip is the ref on the ground being kicked along the ground by the player, while the other players loom over him not helping him to get up or preventing their team mate from continuing to kick him.

Those people standing around are weeping too, what is wrong with you? 

Yes, that was my thought too.

Oregon is very racist. 

Just us, though, not them. 

They try to be as offensive as possible at all times. Mission accomplished, once again. 

Yeah, it’s really creepy and ugly (I can tell because I feel a bit nauseated and at the same time oddly empty) but exactly what it means is a bafflement. It does feel like it’s a call for sexual assault though. 

I can say with complete honesty that this is the first time in my life I have ever wished the that the Pope currently was possed of the kind of power he had a thousand years ago.

Fair. We’ll order them some pizza and they can watch the show. 

Now playing

As an antidote, fortinatly there’s funk.


All at the same time, even!

Now playing

Bollocks to the weather, friend. It almost killed my ass yesterday.

Here too. 

My small town in central Illinois had a couple hundred in the shattering heat (no fire trucks to cool us off sadley) with many more cars coming by honking support. If we can get turn out like that here, in this heat, I feel tremendously heartened.

I’ve had dachshunds for over 30 years. I’m in a complete wad about everything you’ve reported above. I feel like screetching to you to go get both dogs and home them with someone who actually cares about dogs, but I understand that both you and the dogs are in a situation that is so heartbreaking for so many reasons.
