gentrificating fire team

How long does the old dog stay home alone? Do you need to take the dog home with you? Do you need to call the police? Is the dog OK? Is someone checking  on it? This has completely freaked me out. 

Could you ask the flower to address the difference between the word “then” and the word “than”? They do not mean the same thing. I wish someone would make that clear to the public at large.

Maybe if we are very civil and ask nicely?

They always make me think of Colorado, and thus make me happy.

Now playing

Maybe other people experienced this too? Did I imagine it or dream it or something? I swear I heard a reporter talking from the venue of  Trump’s recent visit to South Dakota and they were playing Sympathy for the Devil while they waited for Trump to arrive. I swear that happened.

I don’t see how it can happen. They’d want to ally with Russia and invade France, and we could never go for that. I think a better plan is for the blue states and maybe some of the purple states to rejoin the BE and become part of Canada. 

You gotta go, luv. We can start a go fund me if we need to. 

I’d contribute to a trust fund and a perpetual flame. 

No it’s not. Hundreds of people aren’t trying to cross the Canadian border to get in here because they’re fleeing from gangs and extreme violence in thier own countries like they are at the southern border. Hundreds of us may be trying to flee north befor much longer, though.


Hooray! Thank you!

This is brilliant. If only she didn’t have such iron self control. I imagine her expression will speak volumes, though.

what is it?

He’s not a wolf. Wolfs are mammals and have a strong sense of family and social responsibility. He’s a poisonous snake, and that’s still an insult to poisonous snakes.

what are they going to arrest her for? I mean, really, are they going to claim it’s assault or something?

I know. It’s amazingly prescient.

I love Debbie Fiderer, she’s a true role model.

I worry about this quite a lot, of course. I think it depends on what happens in November. If we don’t get at least one of the houses of congress back then I think it’s really time to start examining the imminent possibility of packing up.

Well, and plus they can sell permits to slaughter bison to rich assholes like Don Jr and Eric for so much money!