gentrificating fire team

they seem to be the only ones that have this so far.


Love Lovett.

Look, they just elected ANOTHER Ford in Ontario. I feel like we should examine this closely before we sign up.

I hope so too. With so much attention on so many other things, I hope it has a better chance of quietly just slipping through under the radar.

Now playing

Play this one loud too. Put your dancing shoes on.

I know, I wonder about that too. If we gave him the Patriots, would he leave the rest of us alone?

Well, Clinton was ok as a president, but not as a person, so I don’t think he should be on the hell presidents list. I totally think Reagan belongs there, and Bush 2/Cheney. We forget how bad things were then because of how bad things are now, but they were fucked then. Reagan was an abomination and Cheney, good lord,

Gosh, that’s a great idea. Let’s flood her twitter and beg her to.

What I find myself going in circles about with Snape is his love for Lilly and yet his lack of interest in who she actually is and what she believes. It’s made so clear, I can’t remember which book, but they are talking while at Hogwarts and she’s explaining to him about the importance of not being involved with the

I think they have been doing this all along. I swear I remember telling them to fuck off more than once, which restricts my liberty to scream into the void, but is well worth that restriction in my opinion.

It’s deffinitly epic in range and scope.

That is the most baffling part about this to me. Why did they go on and on about the Libya model? They must, MUST realize that what most of the world thinks about with that is how Gaddafi died, right? What the fuck were they thinking with all of that?

Now playing

This is why it’s always a better idea to take the train.

no need.

Smooth. (clapping emojis all over the place).

I think it will make and impact. This is why Texas is in play now, for example.

You know what? Fuck polls. They have been wrong over and over and over.