True, very true. Those poor girls have no chance with many of these parents...
True, very true. Those poor girls have no chance with many of these parents...
Oh my goodness, that is adorable!
Yeah, it's sad in a way...
Yes, vurry proud, if only other people kud aspire to be a true 'murrrikkkan here like Jethro John Billy Boy Bob Warshingtun Jeffersun Reagan Jenkins-Olliepop, Jr. here. He fights the good fight against dem libs.
It's good to see another rill 'murrrikkan postin here! Damn site is crawling with lib'ruls and their far-left toxic beliefs.
Koch brothers are the rillest of rill 'murrrikkans and everything they say only proves they have our best interests at heart. I can't wait until they help get rid of minimum wage and take away gobment assistance from those lazy poors and blacks so they have no choice by to work for pennies to make sure the Koch…
I no grammer haz.
I am sorry to hear that :(
Exactly. They offer too much that is beneficial to women and reproductive health, especially for women who don't have insurance but don't qualify for medical assistance. They have saved many lives with cancer screenings as well as education. I just can't fathom why a foundation that focuses on breast cancer would stop…
Is it wrong that I support P.P despite the fact that the woman who adopted my father worked there before she died, and offered to "help" my mother out when she found out she was pregnant with me? Take that, Tebows!
It's a funny thing, I know more atheists who have read the Bible cover to cover than most people who consider themselves devout Christians....
Yes, let's make the quality of teaching even lower because teachers not making much money aren't really going to give a fuck. Get paid next to nothing, obviously they are going to put in next to nothing, especially if they have to deal with some of these kids nowadays. I know I would do the bare minimum if I had that…
That is awesome, especially since those appointments cost so damn much. I'm so glad someone was able to back it up, since I was just doing it because I was desperate and didn't have many options, so thank you again for replying!
Thank you, it's good to hear that it does work just as well. I wasn't completely sure since I've only used that and going outside as my light therapy. I usually put it on around 8, and keep it on while I'm on the computer, drinking tea and waiting to take my meds. It's part of my morning routine. It does help me get…
If it weren't for my horse....
Since I haven't worked in 4 years and to me $55 dollars is like $550. My cheap ass (Bipolar disorder, the depression gets very bad this time of year) got a clamp light and natural light light bulbs. Yeah, it probably isn't anywhere near as effective, but it is still works better than a regular lamp or nothing at all.
Trust me, I read the article and lived a very similar situation even though I'm bipolar rather than schizophrenic. So, I think I can compare the two in that respect.
Hopefully Sinead gets the help she needs, hospitalizations suck and being at the point of swallowing your pride to go to a place that can be described as hell is something nobody should experience. Though, she seems more bipolar than depressed. After reading what has been going on lately, it seems more like a severe…
Agreed. What outsiders who don't know what it is like to self-medicated insomnia, other symptoms of mental illnesses, etc., perceive as withdrawal, we see it as our symptoms coming back.
Same here, bipolar, hospitalized 6 times (and yes, it is considered the most severe, and if you go to a psych ward, the majority of patients are bipolar with some schizophrenia and other illnesses in there), and this just makes me sick. The stigma sucks.