
BINGO! I've been hospitalized numerous times for bipolar disorder (and if you go to a psych ward, there are more bipolar than schizophrenic patients because of how bad the disorder can get at times), and know other mentally ill people who have been hospitalized who can still function like a normal human being and be

That's how I view it, and would like to know if the studies accounted for it, either. When I don't smoke for my bipolar disorder, anxiety and PTSD, I start getting the racing thoughts I use weed to slow down which put me on edge, and can be mistaken for a mild withdrawal (Having had a drug addiction almost a decade

Are you my fucking long lost twin, motherfucker?

Her performance reminded me of 10pm every night in a psych ward, when all our medications would kick in and we would convene in the television lounge trying to carry on conversations while muttering nonsense, drooling and nodding off.

Agreed. There needs to be more teachers who stick up for those who are judged/bullied the most. It was stated beautifully, no attacks or insults in retaliation, but rather a dialogue to promote further discussion to promote tolerance (which is one of the main teachings of the Girl Scouts I remember).

I've been out of the drug look for 9.5 years, but the bath salt thing seems like the GBL of this decade- dangerous chemical that gives the same sort of high as another drug (since it metabolizes into GHB when ingested, and was sold as paint stripper and all kinds of effed up chemical shizz).

Exactly, you don't have to be thin to be healthy, and being on medications and having health problems should be more motivation. Too many people become prisoners to their illnesses, etc. and that's what causes obscene weight gain. Sure, there's no preventing some weight gain, but there's certainly ways of preventing

And I posted about how I didn't add a bunch of stuff that I should have to my post.

Yeah, I realized I didn't quite add everything I should have in my post. I'm not saying people need to stop taking their medications that interfere with metabolism. I'm stating my own experience. I went back on Seroquel at a lower dose and was STILL able to lose weight, I just switched the cravings for junk food,

Beautifully put. The more attention we give (be it negative or positive, to those who crave attention, any attention works), the more we encourage this behavior. I used to watch it as a guilty pleasure, but then started feeling guilty because I was encouraging the behavior by watching it.

People need to realize it's diet and exercise, and not some quick fix. Lost 100 pounds (thanks, Seroquel, you @$$hole. Luckily, the first 30ish pounds were easy and came off when the Seroquel left my system, took a bit of effort) thanks to a food journal, an online support site, and working out. Replacing pop with

I'm excited about this. I rarely watch SNL anymore, but I will definitely tune in. Being a theater geek, I can't help but to have a great respect for those actors and actresses who do it because they enjoy it, take their craft seriously, and challenge themselves when it comes to roles. Sing, dance and act? Most people

The McPalin sounds like the McRib the morning after drinking a 5th of tequila and coming down with food poisoning...

Agreed. Just because it isn't physical pain, it's still a hell of a lot of pain than most "normal" people realize we go through.

I had a doc put me on 10+ pills a day for bipolar and PTSD, which caused me to go from the 140s to over 250 because I was a zombie. Went off them cold turkey (would never recommend that for a Paxil/Seroquel/ Welbutrin/Trazodone/Klonopin/Depakote cocktail, especially when most are heavy doses and prescribed 2x a day.

Exactly. Talk to people in psych wards about weed and how much it helps with anxiety, etc. It's a million times better than the chemical bullshit from hell in pill form. If only it were legal like those effed up pills with the effed up side effects and can be addictive. *sigh*

I just made a comment about us 'burgers and how the women are just as into our football as the men, and often times get into it even more than the men! We aren't just some women who watch it just to spend time with our men and feel like "one of the boys" like a lot of women do.

Yinz must not be from Pittsburgh. It's a well-known fact here that us girlies are even crazier than the guys when it comes to our football.

Can't wait to see the major meltdown tomorrow night. I think all the crazy leading up to tomorrow has just been a sneak peek of what's to come...

She gets more delusional by the day. If anyone else were delusional to the point she is with conspiracy theories, that person would be locked up in a psych ward for at least 2 weeks until a doc got them thinking like a rational human being. It's like she's going through a complete mental breakdown. Wonder how she'll