
My nearly 50 YO self is saying “you should have stood up for yourself and not married him if you were not ready, mother be damned”.

If someone doesn’t want to be pregnant, then they shouldn’t have to be. No person or government has the right to tell any human being that they MUST use their body to keep something else alive. If that thing is unable to keep itself alive or another person or technology can’t and it perishes, that’s unfortunate, but

Well then you’ve got your head up your ass. Pregnancy is not a happy stroll in the park for every woman. Some pregnancies lead to death. Some people don’t want children. Sometimes birth control fails. Sometimes people are human and don’t take it properly. Sometimes medication interferes with the efficacy of birth

Not everyone hass consented to the sex that created the pregnancy; and uh did you want to see a lot of actual children; not fetuses, suffer to teach women a lesson or something?

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

Part of the struggle of breastfeeding is that you end up completely living for the express purpose of nursing your kid. You have to watch what you eat and drink. You have to drop what you’re doing and spend a half hour or more doing nothing but nursing (maybe reading a book, but it’s hard to read when the kid is being

He’s also just gone on tv and claimed to be a literal virgin choir boy in hs and beyond. That’s straight up lying and there are apparently LOTS of people who can testify that he’s lying. Unlikely the republicans will care as he’s lied right through two confirmation hearings and it hasn’t stopped them. 

If she spent some time carefully assessingher memories, she might find she shares more in common with Ford and Ramirez than she thought.

He will be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. Surely. The GOP cares nothing for victims of sexual assault, and they’re not gonna pass up their (likely only) chance to swing the court right for a half-century or more.

To hear him tell it, he was just simply a nice church going boy who only wanted to be top of his class and captain of his team. He had such clarity of mind at all times he never lost his faculties unlike Ford who must have been mixed up in some haze.

How relevant is his high school year book? Well, not at all. Unless, you know, he himself claimed his high school calendar was concrete evidence...

Trebek is, and has always been, my shade queen.

almost dramatically quit the show because the mother of a crying child on Jeopardy! Kids asked the host to re-tape an episode after Trebek did nothing to console her

No SNL Trebek gifs yet? I am disappoint...

I mean, I’m kind of an asshole, so I thought it could just be me, but that shit is funny and the best part of the show.

This! I love especially when he says in a very flat tone “NO.”. 

I had one glorious Jeopardy! moment 3 years ago. I was doing per diem work at a community residence for the mentally ill. They all watched the show religiously. I watched it with them that evening. It was like the categories had been handpicked for me. I was throwing out correctanswers” to nearly every “question”.

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

That is really exceptional! I feel you on not wanting to panic every time you feel a twinge; sometimes my heart beats faster for no reason, and so my brain assumes we must be anxious, so I get anxious. It’s Not Fun.