
I am trying to convince my parents of this right now. They feel like an invitation is an obligation to go to every single wedding. No lie, they went to my dad’s former boss’ daughter’s wedding. They had never met her, and probably hadn’t seen or talked to the old boss in 5+ years. I have no idea why they were invited.

We’ve long decided that we’re not having a wedding at all. Just some signed court papers, a pretty dresses photo shoot, and a cake. No gifts. You’re welcome, all of our friends who are also new parents!

This is depressing.

unlike my kitchen aid mixer which has fucked me more times than I can count.

And here I’ve been being rude to men FOR FREE like some kind of IDIOT.

FinDom, the art of insulting and humiliating men and then making them pay for it.

I thought the same thing, but the levels Halep/Kerber reached in their third set, with what was on the line, I think trump that Davis match. Insane tension. Will be tough to beat as match of the year.

I watched the 2nd and 3rd sets of that Davis-Halep match and that 3rd set will probably go down as the set of the year. Men’s or women’s.

One thing you have to love about Halep is that, despite the hugely lucrative objectification of female tennis players (see, e.g., a certain former Russian player), she got a breast reduction so she could play better

Ding! Ding! Ding! You just hit on the MO of the Republican party.

Bingo. “Oh, I wasn’t raped at 14. I wanted him. Eventually. When I stopped crying.”

i mean, i WISH our biggest problem right now was men being too gentlemanly....idgaf if a guy holds a door open for me. heck, there’s a gas station by my house...i dont think i have ever touched the door handle. somebody always gets it for me, and i say thank you. that’s definitely not what i’m outraged about.

If I ever find out my son has done this to someone, I swear he’ll regret the day he was born. This makes my blood boil. These boys have already figured out how to treat other human beings as objects for their amusement. There are flames shooting out of my face right now.

No. The problem is not that girls are normal young people who want relationships. That is normal for human beings. The problem isn’t that girls just need to work harder on their self esteem. The problem is THE BOYS. THE MEN. What our society is teaching them, as well as girls, about what boys and men are owed, what

Help them get involved SO HARD in an activity. Then, they love themselves because they respect their own abilities and they have zero time for bullshit. It’s the only solution. It worked for me, and my other swimming friends, and it’s working for my daughter. She’s a pre-pro ballerina and she has does not deal with

This is such a thorny issue. The only meaningful way to address it would be to somehow ensure girls reach their preteen/teen years with an intact sense of self and enough self-esteem so that they wouldn’t feel the need to look for or have a boyfriend until they actually met a worthy, respectful candidate, probably

Women, I think, get a lot of this pressure. Pressure to be in a relationship. Pressure to have a baby. Pressure to focus on family and making your spouse happy. Pressure to fit into society’s norms of beauty. It’s exhausting. Sometimes, we just need someone to confirm that it’s okay to let go.

That’s literally the entire basis of Christianity.. You can do absolutely anything and still get into heaven.. So long as you become absolutely insufferable to those around you.

Now, you can say, “How can you say Christian values when this man is accused of something like that.” But for us, it’s more so, “He who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone.”

Haha! Be my guest! But be prepared for those who will resent your refusal to use a derogatory frame of reference.