
Jane Fonda epitomizes a fearless approach to aging in the new millennium; despite the difficulties of divorce and some serious health problems (I think she’s had 2 hip replacements?) she’s remained psychologically focused, up-to-date, socially informed, politically active, a master of her career, and is unintimidated

People like you make the world a vastly better place.

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

I can’t even begin to unravel this knot or how I feel about/fit into it. In early middle age I found myself getting fatter until I was finally obese and getting obese-er. I was in great shape, healthy as a horse, could bike and run and stuff, and I sincerely felt okay with who I was and the body I had. But I also knew

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I miss those days, too! And don’t forget her amazing music! I don’t understand how she didn’t become the biggest pop star of the decade. I guess talent doesn’t count for much these days.

My son has a box trap and has relocated neighborhood raccoons that have destroyed gardens and flocks of chickens.

Um, I love animals. I love all animals. But if you’ve got copperheads under your house, animals you love start dying unless they die first. Nature is a brutal thing. 99% of snakes I wouldn’t touch - lots of snakes take care of rats and such and do so without harm to most things. But copperheads in your yard/home need

Nah, copperheads are dangerous AF. My neighbors lost two dogs to them. Copperheads gotta die. Especially if you have a dog.

Copperheads are exceedingly dangerous, and a nest of them under a residence is a situation that more than justifies their extermination. That’s all there is to that.

So if I’ve got mice in my kitchen, I’m not allowed to set traps because apparently I created the conditions that attracted them? That time my kitten caught a mouse and paraded it around the perimeter of the apartment like a damn gladiator, I should not have been proud of her and removed the mouse from her mouth and

Right? I saw the documentary about her and listened to this long NPR thing about her and I was like: “Am I square for thinking this woman is just a lying sack of shit who has no respect for what isn’t hers?”

I’d agree if not for the fact that she also dabbles in identity theft.

Yeah, she’s mostly harmless but it’s a little gross how Jez writers find this woman so charming and wonderful.

If you think you’re going to change beauty standards more quickly by being personally critical and judgemental, history begs to differ. Beauty standards change on a macro level due to all sorts of factors, technological advances being one of the major reasons. Wars, political leadership, the entertainment industry and

Yeah. Same. And my husband is in town and we finally have some privacy.

Look, obviously I want to learn the identity of the A-list celebrity pedophile before anyone else. Indeed, this is basically my right as a voracious online tabloid reader.

Do most people who run in NYC run on treadmills? Just thinking it’s easy for me (on Kauai) to go outside and run, but maybe not so for city-folk. Either way, thanks for the awesome playlist. Going outside to run now...

My grandmother (Irish Catholic) took to her bed and wailed for 2 days straight when John-John died. We shared a bedroom at the time (I was like 15) so it was a real treat. That first day, when it hadn’t been confirmed that he was dead yet, was the worst. In between sobs she would just randomly yell things out,“THEY’RE