
CW: mention of homo- and transphobic bullshit.

I’d have preferred it if after Norma Torres was asked to use change her language if she had looked him deadass in the eyes and said, “No.”  Boom.  Mic drop.  Or “I said what I said.”

Women need to add a rider to any anti-abortion bill that also bans boner pills. Because God only gives boners to people who he wants to birth a boner.

I love that she “withdrew” her statement about sex-starved males on the floor by popping the words “sex. starved. males. on the floor” and then looking very pointedly at the guy who asked her to withdraw it. Very, “I’m sorry I called you a gap toothed bitch. It’s not your fault you’re so gap toothed..” but in this

What’s the term, ‘malicious compliance’ or something like that?

Andre was on the A train with me last week.
It was weird.

So so so enjoyable. 

I 100% agree with Tim Gunn and want to go to Red Lobster with him and Andre.  Speaking of, where’s Andre? (One of the finest few moments in reality tv history)

Meh, it’s one of those things in life that is objectively not a decision you can defend (see also: choosing to design and build a home, or buying a vineyard), but usually ends up easily being one of the best things you’ve ever done from a life experience and personal growth perspective.

I am a gay man. When I was in college I had one-night stand with a fellow collegian.

You KNOW he absolutely sucks in bed.

OK, but why, in any interview with this man, did his feelings on womens’ bodies come up? Does he just run around talking about how he prefers young women? I don’t get it.

It just came to me while reading it; I thought surely I can do something limerickal with “Nantucket” built right in, or I’m not Jerry-Netherland!

There was an old perv in Nantucket.

There’s a part of me that wants to move to Texas, and run for his seat on the platform promise that any young woman/girl who gets pervy messages or harassing comments from skeevy old men gets one (1) free attempt to kill them for every awful comment directed at them.

Bet he always runs on a “family values” platform. 

I mean, the fact that he’s a white male senator from Texas gives away his party affiliation, but I’m very impressed that the word “Republican” didn’t even need to be written into this article for everyone to know it was definitely a Republican.


So they were suspecting her of “attempted abortion” because that’s what any sane person would have done in her situation. A perfect ouroboros of cynicism and misogyny.