
Not necessarily a commentary on your community, but I’m not sure I’d consider “not from here” a bad thing, depending on the are rural community.

I started meditating after a bout of anxiety/panic attacks landed me in the ER to rule out a heart attack (turned out to be reflux); prior to that I was convinced I had a blood clot in my leg, which I didn’t. I knew I did not want to be zoned out on benzo’s and I also could not continue panicking every time I felt an

“...unintimidated by contemporary beauty technologies”. I’m kicking myself for not coming up with this phrase. You win 🌟. On the lookout for an opportunity to use it in conversation.

As H says, “Drink ‘til you forget it’s me!” 😂

Yes and yes. Why in h*ll someone would have a facelift without a neck lift baffles me. Even more baffling is that more surgeons aren’t strongly suggesting it, when at least half of the women having the facelift could likely afford to add the neck lift. Confusion all around.

Has anyone else noticed how much Claire’s austere hairstyle (versus her typical long/loose ‘do) gives her the look of Jaime’s mother versus his partner? I get that it’s all part of the look, but still find it mildly disturbing :/ .

Someone help me EXACTLY was Eva stereotyping her (Latina) nanny? Wasn’t it the nanny’s own text that referred to herself as Latina? And if that’s the case, how would Eva be guilty of stereotyping if she simply quoted what was said by the Latina herself? I may be missing something. Thank you to whomever can

I’ve searched, no avail :(