I'm actually a cat

“The advice he’s getting is to go big—that he has nothing to lose”

Oh, definitely. You can move freely without bothering anyone!

3) In case of stabbing being on your feet adds an element of mobility

Seconding SMART!

Jazzyturtleneck has offered wonderful advice! As a clinician who has also worked in geriatrics (in hospital but also in two SNFs; one super deluxe, one much more affordable), I would like to add: research her Medicare plan. Here is a link to the .gov site, which I think is a good place to start: https://www.medicare.go

You are speaking the truth :D

I got stuck on this detail too! Mostly because of the word “dish”. Was this word choice intentional, implying the sauce vessel was not the ubiquitous ramekin? Was this dish actually a bowl?

In fairness, Diet Coke (Cherry Coke Zero, tbh) tagged in to replace other vices. I’ve probably drunk a small lake’s worth since I’ve been sober :)

This gif is *chef’s kiss* perfection :D

*slowest, saddest clap*

I give zero fucks about bulge pics, but Jon Hamm and Justin Theroux are objectively gorgeous humans. I would look at pics of them blowing snot rockets, ffs.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s the battle outside raging
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changing

I rooted for the xenomorphs in 1982's The Thing. Mostly when they were dogs.

Posted in another thread but this is from his statement and ISNT OMINOUS AT ALL

Idk, but i just read this on buzzfeed:

YES. Absolutely agree—he created this toxic monstrosity and now it’s just...out there. Those fuckers cheer for the revocation of women’s autonomy in an online circle jerk, but they probably get frothed up enough to go out and vote, too.

Are you serious? Everything about Fisher is terrifying for the women he “represents” in NH. I hope he gets voted out. It just seems like wishful thinking that he would actually be removed from office (or possess the ability to feel shame and step down).

It really was incredible reporting! This man is so fucking vile—and what’s worse, he isn’t unique! It’s not like he is some lone lunatic yelling about feminazis. He’s just a computer savvy one; apparently with 80hrs/wk (!!!) to devote to the MRA/red pill cause. That sub Reddit had (has?) hundreds of thousands of

Interesting. I admit I rely on commenters here to do the dirty work of digging deep into the ugly internet (ex: breitbart) since I can’t bring myself to look at it—so, thank you. I stay pretty bubblewrapped here at jez for sanity purposes but it’s good to get an outside perspective; know thine enemy and all.