I'm actually a cat

I know this comment was in jest BUT! heroin cut with fentanyl is a serious problem, as is using after a period of abstinence. No one ever thinks they’re going to accidentally overdose. Not gonna get mopey or soapboxy, just: Narcan is miraculous and it is easier to get than ever

This^ was an insightful and well-articulated comment; it helped me process how I’ve been feeling about this case. Thank you.

God, yes. We’ve gone O/T but Anthony Audi’s lithub interview with Errol Morris re:Citizen Kane/trump is worth sharing

Sounds like a plan! I can think of some dangly parts I’d like my R senator to lose...

🔥Signal Boost!🔥

I can’t imagine enduring osteonecrosis of the jaw and tooth loss NOW, much less a century ago. Those poor children probably wasted away to nothing on a liquid diet in a morphine haze. Their bones would have been so breakable they were essentially turned to porcelain dolls, trapped in their beds and too weak and sick

Oof, yes.When I was a gymnast they had us climb in a straddle (“straight legs! pointed toes! Abs TIGHT!”) as part of our conditioning hour. I couldn’t do that now if there was a million dollars waiting for me on the rafter.

Good to know! If I could amend my post, I would—I don’t want to mislead anyone! I got suckered by a social media post about people getting suckered by social media...META

I know what you mean! The idea of intentionally seeking out celebrities is very strange to me. One party knows way too much information about the other and has a preconceived notion about his/her personality. The other party feels a responsibility to maintain a public persona and make the fan feel appreciated. It all

He says he’s a satirist, but...he is not. 🤐It looks like he’s trying to spin it that way to do some damage control, but cmon son! You were had!

Then THIS seems like a good place to share my little bit of insider info (that is now in a billboard interview so maybe not so insider-y anymore, and you may have already seen it all, but)!

*steeples fingers*

One VIP pass to Fries Fest, please!

Gotta let out the rallying cry every now and then, see who from the Old Guard at Jez is still alive and bitchin’!

Fuck off, Baios. Lesbian Shitasses 4 Lyfe!

Mine is full of copper & blood. Toxic! ☠️🔥

iPhone—is that why? Extra weird!

I just realized I can’t gif anymore either. 🤔 Lame.

*packs home library (and cats) into old school bus, heads for Boston*

*vomits into hands*