I'm actually a cat


Broken Circle Breakdown. The movie/band that scored it.

Agreed! Never knew about all this but Jerry sure as hell is one of the most politically savvy among us.

My kingdom to any reporter who can get the man to draw a clock face with hands pointing to the time.

Thank you for sharing this link*. Lenient sentencing for domestic violence is profoundly disturbing. Given the evidence Rastogi was able to provide in court, it is fucking appalling that 15 days in jail is deemed an appropriate sentence for Gattani. The 1 year sentence was an insult.

Omg—thank you for the reminder and link! That article is full to *bursting* with gems from Mayer, about Mayer. Some of my favorites:

Death during childbirth is waaaay down since 1938, but maternal/pregnancy-related deaths* are still pretty bad in the US.

I agree with this. I don’t like it (bc gut rxn= “THEY are actually bad! Do something!”), but I agree with it (bc “they” can point back and say the same).

I think we all get weary of this shit —but chin up, love! Elizabeth Warren made a great point when she was on Fallon (and I’m paraphrasing here): we can’t expend precious fucks on what the trump says or tweets. We’ve gotta save those fucks for looking at what the administration is doing whenever that dipshit fires off

I shouldn’t have been surprised. And yet!

I was about to respond with “no, that’s Frankenweenie!” But Pet Semetary came out 5 years AFTER, in 1989! (Frankenweenie was way scarier)

As Tyra’s 35yo daughter who needs life advice and they play it serious as fuck. I would see that in a theater.

This week has made me feel like a sweet summer child, y’all. First I learn that bunnies can stand on their hind legs. Then, the ACLU wants first amendment rights for everyone, fullstop. I suppose tomorrow I’ll find out water is wet :P

The ACLU response to hate speech on campus surprised me.

Was JUST coming here to post this! He wants to run for governor or some shit in ‘20? Pffft. Get out and stay out of office, you little shit weasel!

YES! Now that’s proper dirtbag material!

Eee! I saw some stuff about Flemish Giants while googling yesterday and they are adorable!! They are supposed to be “gentle giants” and very sweet, intelligent companions—I loved those descriptions! If you’re ever up for sharing pics in the SNS pet threads, I would love to see your cuties <3

If only! Because that sounds fun AND delicious. But alas, I’m constantly learning new and  embarrassingly obvious things. 🐰 <3

*clenches* I vote snaps. Protect the labia!

D: So is my mom. I want to protect her from this as long as possible.