Whoa, cool!! Thanks for sharing!
Whoa, cool!! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, that’s what I figured! I was trying to expound on your (much more eloquent) comment :) Then I ended up rambling!
Kind of an aside, but related to the trump autocracy and the Resistance, here is a good article about parallels and intersections between Egypt and the US: https://www.buzzfeed.com/borzoudaragahi/egypts-rulers-are-hailing-president-trump-democracy?utm_term=.gx4RonvkE#.va2OJ672Z
*snorts* too accurate! I can’t 😂
*stands up* Lesbian Shitasses, OUR TIME IS NOW!
“That said, I wish there was an answer for the passive-female-protagonist problem. Perhaps the answer is simply that passivity feels like a central issue in many women’s lives, and our job as artists is to explore what is, not write what we’d like to be.”
“For any writer to unearth strong feelings, especially over the course of a half century, is as good as it gets. Better than most, actually.”
Oh yeah, he’s fine. Just has an occasionally questionable sense of humor.
What a sweet puppy face!! Aw!
Agreed. My baseline anxiety hovers around “squirrel trying to figure out how to cross road in traffic” and ratchets up to panic easily. Anxiety/despair/betrayal are more my emotional wheelhouse, but FUCKING PISSED OFF is in there, too 😡
I HATE April Fools. Mostly because I associate it with “pranks” (like the one above) that cause emotional distress, and those are NOT FUNNY. Copy/pasting since I already posted my on yesterday’s article:
99% of the time, he is warm, caring, and kind—one of my favorite people. And YET 😬. I just don’t “get” how that shit is funny. Operation Lockdown has been successful (so far) *crossing fingers*
Without excuse, I will simply extend an apology. My comment deliberately made fun of people I perceived to oppose progress, and therefore (due to personal bias) view as less intelligent. I can appreciate and understand the rationale behind avoiding low-hanging fruit (joking in an echo chamber) vs. thoughtful…
Ohmygod—those are fantastically devious ideas! The sort of “gotcha, fucker!” comebacks I was never able to think of, even years later. If I ever work up the gall and/or a serviceable poker face (voice?), I can’t say there isn’t a part of me that wouldn’t enjoy the schadenfreude (for a minute until the guilt set in 😬)
Visibility bump! I hadn’t seen this, thanks for posting :)
*gasp!* Ahaha you’re right :D 🐱>❄️
Yes, definitely. I am blanking on the men’s equivalent because when I try to think of male actors my brain just ticker-tapes: JUSTIN THEROUX • DEV PATEL • JAMIE DORNAN • STERLING K BROWN • JUSTIN THEROUX • (....) None of my crushes have the same names and I’m too flustered to think of other names that exist. I think…
Watching the cyclical nature of trends (in everything from names to clothing) is one of my favorite things about getting older. Nostalgia combined with seeing younger people try something “new” is fun! :)
These caricatures—no, these portraits —are amazing. Excellent work!
I never bounced back after wheels made my job at Clunky Squares obsolete. Squares are all I know and all I wanna know. Fuck circles! My deddy and his deddy and his DEDDY’S deddy all made squares. Bring back our jobs!