I'm actually a cat

Agree x 1000 (and thanks <3)

I do not get his April Fools schtick AT ALL. He is like *the* family caregiver, completely wonderful, warm, and welcoming. 99% of the time, one of my favorite people. But his “pranks” are like sinister mindfucks.

I have no shame in (moderately) sedating myself prior to gatherings. I love all of them! I’m just not built for surprises 😬


Skittles wtf

Slouching Towards Bethlehem is a collection of essays from the late 60s that feels like it could have been written today. There’s an audiobook version narrated by Diane Keaton, too :)

I agree, she is peerless. I certainly did not mean to imply that I believe myself to be an unrecognized Joan. :) Personally, I see her more as a kindred spirit than an aspirational figure. I don’t write, I don’t even keep journals. I can’t even articulate my thoughts in anonymous Internet forums. Didion and I are

Oof! Always-colds have it bad in FL. As one of my friends says, “I don’t care if it’s hot outside! AC is cold and we’re stuck being blasted by it, dammit!”.

Lentil Wedding Expo thread!

As a fellow always-cold, YES! I go: cami, long sleeve shirt, tunic sweater, fleece leggings (under pants or as pants), long/luxe cardigan, lab coat, oversized cardigan on top.

I am so sad this article has generated little interest. Pictorial is my favorite sub-blog, and that tends to be the case with many articles here: they are chronically and tragically overlooked.

That’s (one of many reasons) why I can’t get too worked up about them. Anyone who believes there is a worldwide conspiracy to convince “the public” that, what, the earth is round and there are planets/planetary bodies in space? is just tragically stupid.

*gasps greedily* I would like to stake my claim in the kingdom!

I couldn’t read this fast enough.

Kinda my thought, too. On the one hand: this is obviously free weed if you just bide your time (I feel like it goes without saying that stealing bud from weed crown =/= biting off parts of someone’s candy necklace or whatever. Inherently less gross.)

My SO spends hours arguing with flat-earthers on Facebook. I think it must be like a mental punching bag for him. All I know is when I ask what they could *possibly* still be arguing about 3 hours in, he’ll toss me his phone and it’s just alternating walls of text with links to academic articles (him) and nonsense

“ there anything more beautiful than a celebration of love? ”

I had no idea this existed, thank you for clueing me in! Bookmarking for the next time my parents/inlaws ask for bday or holiday gift ideas. ^.^

I think this is a great idea! I would happily donate to a honeymoon fund (or a “new spouse, new house” fund, or a “hooray! give us money!” fund, etc) for my friends/loved ones bc:

LENTIL WEDDING, where art thou?!