I'm actually a cat

It was Conor Oberst, wasn’t it

What is this from? I love it! Alas, there goes my dream of a fulfilling, egalitarian harmonica relationship with Hugh Laurie.

Love it! Reminds me of that This American Life about the kids naming the dog Pasta Batman :).

Goddamn, that’s good! Bravo :)

^ this👏right👏here!

*crosses fingers* WALL! not happening might be enough to sink him into the 20s...which would be preeetty hard to spin as a “win”. Although Spicer might explode trying.

His rating’s so low

The Jim Morrison-y-est! So good!

Juice boxes know no age limit! :D

But no one will EVER know you were blazing to begin with if you just douse your car in Citrus Magic ;)

 Madmartigan! <3

BAHAHAHAHA oh, if it were true!

This is the best teen urban legend I have never heard until now 😂

*snorts* Hello, fellow kid!

I get naked and pee as fast as possible! It’s a legitimate downside cause I hate being cold, but the pajama-clothes thing outweighs the <1 naked cold minute for me :D

What is “human cannonball” ?

What in the fuck?! “We have a lesson on tolerance planned buuuuut in gonna pit y’all against each other hunger-games style instead.”

Very well put. An adage that keeps springing to mind when I think of the people who voted for or support the trump is: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.

Oh, do it!! I fucking looooove jumpsuits (nice-feeling fabric that I can pull on in ~2 motions and be dressed? Yes please.) But I did the exact same thing with the first one I bought. I loved the way they looked on other people but wasn’t sure I could “pull it off” for some reason (I thought I would look dumb bc it

Look at them on their unicorn float and try not to smile!