I'm actually a cat

Gah, I know! Eeeee!! Samira’s smile makes me smile reflexively whenever I see her. I love seeing people in love <3

Signal boost!!! ^

His definition of “perfect genes”...I would like to have it explained, in detail.

Absolutely. I mean, this is essentially the same group of fuckers that kneecapped the ACA as we HAVE it. The two years they delayed the rollout gave insurers time to 1) jack up existing premiums and 2) come up with all sorts of shit plans to sell in the ACA marketplace. It’s infuriating.

Everything would be different if it had been “getting to stay up as late as you want to read”!

It made me super uncomfortable, too. I kept angling the screen away while I was watching the video. If there had been a voting option for “scary anthropomorphic silly putty that makes you increasingly anxious”, I would have clicked that.

Seconded. Very curious to hear if DHS has anything to say about this.

It is a form of art 🎨, isn’t it? I have to hunt them down, too. I am very proud of myself when I am able to craft something very basic, like:

I will take forever finding the perfect emoji when writing long texts—it’s like doodling but with phones! New emoji are always fun to discover; and alert me that my phone has ignored my requests not to update itself ;) I hated emoji when they first came out bc they seemed dumb (plus my phone only saw squares). But

Hands up if the presence and popularity of the  “Ignoring Things You Don’t Understand” option gives you anxiety.

*lights candle for celebs I never thought I’d forget to remember*

I did not know that! That makes me want to read some of my SO’s sommelier books. I do know that terroir and climate/weather will make or break a wine. Hence you can’t just up and replant vines from some rocky French town in your yard and ta-da! Also why a 2012 châteauneuf du pape >>> a 2002.

Now playing

And this problem has existed for SO LONG. If a company can cut costs by investing less in the people that essentially function as replaceable parts, always expect them to do it. Fuck ethical pay, fuck safety. Unions, worker’s rights/OSHA...those are the only legs manual laborers have ever had to stand on against giant

O/T, but—wine from VA? I believe I see the problem with the business model *hork* That’s like TN or NC wine; aberrations of fruit of the vine. VA! Your mountains are beautiful, your state is absolutely gorgeous. Tourism is the ticket! Maybe some distilleries (y’all make some shine up in those hills, yeah?).

Like I tell my parents, we have to keep up or get outta their way and die.

Hahaha—-I can’t! Lyrically, no comparison.  But sonically it feels like a Judy Collins song filtered through hazy synth.

That’s all I was able to find, too. It’s such a horrible, abusive trap; I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to escape that environment.

If only this were some kind of surprise! political Razzie. His award could be a trophy prominently featuring an unwashed Diva Cup, which he would accept while receiving a mandatory rectal ultrasound. The crowd would fete him with used tampons as he walked out to a garden reception/funeral for jizz rags, each buried

She reminds me of Judy Collins, which reminds me of childhood. Nostalgia and dreamy synth are soothing to me, so I dig it. *shrug*

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but my mom refers to him as “the trump”. We thought it was an affectation at first, but the face she makes when she says it (like opening the veggie drawer after a long vacation and taking a whiff) indicated otherwise. It brings to mind rotten squash, and the rest of the Cat Family