
too much.

These things look like, and have names of, cars from Grand Theft Auto. I dont mean that in a good way.

I voted Nice Price with my heart. This is why I always make AWFUL financial decisions.

came to say this^

Isn’t this a car Jalops should love? Its unique, no longer made, in great condition and likely to appreciate in value(even if only slightly). I love the 90's “wave of the future” digital dash also. this is a NP all day long!

Dont mess with Texas!

WANT! This will decimate all, after, you put about ...hopefully not 15 it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from ....Detroit?

NO. Come on man. NO! NOOO!! Why? I was so excited when I clicked todays NPCP and was so utterly disappointed.

Remove the A/C system completely(weight reduction!) cause thats what the factory sunroof is for, do another half ass’d floor pan repair, give her a quick tune up and run her for the summer! It is apparently NOT too much to ask for a fricken shark with a fricken laser.

Is this just for Bud heavy?

They can save on the advertising budget: The NEW Chevy with 100% more Honda Civic

Ill keep asking until you acknowledge it.... What advantages does this Ducati have over say...A train...which I can also afford?

When the owner of the 850 lists 2 sets of rims, he doesn’t mean 2 full matching sets...oh no no! He means 2 different sets come on the car!

Are you me? I also have a brother in law who rides helmet-less

Why buy(insert any exotic here) when one of these can be had for $45,000 in 6 years.


How much better than the standard Low Rider is it? The price difference of Harley’s website is around $2,000. It looks cooler but do the rest of the bells and whistles make it worth it?

I want to like it. I want it to be a NP but just a bit too much. If there were a 6 in front of the 4 instead of an 8 then this S6 would be a 10.

comment of the day

Can I still get over the boarder with an enhanced NYS drivers license? Just need to find a cash machine.....