
My daughter is due any day. Sent this to my wife, told her it would be a great way to bond with the little girl. My wife was less enthusiastic but i didn’t get a no.

More the later, though some have been modified in certain ways. He just has a knack for finding ones in good order for good prices and just cant bear to pass them up. Its like they seek him out.

Yes and No. I understand your argument but there are some people, like myself for example, who want the best bike that suits there needs when all things are equal.

Is stuff like that going to sway riders to “the dark side”. Thats still a WHOLE lot of coin to put down on something that, in a positive review, “didn’t need moar power” but you would gladly take? There is never going to be a perfect bike. Always areas for improvement I guess but if your shopping in the 15-20K range

That’s how the Air Force lives when deployed!?! A Coffee Beanery?!?! I joined the wrong god damn service! That one dude has a rug and slippers!!

What benefits does this bike have over say...A train? Which I can also afford.

I really want to get on the New Ducati 1299 Panigale S. I don’t have a desire to ride a turbo charged or supercharged bike.

Simply can you enjoy it as much as a traditional bike of the same ilk? Is it fun to ride?

I was up half the night thinking how awful this must be for you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Hoobastank RULEZ DOOD! ... Just kidding, they’re the worst. Like all first gen anything these systems will all likely be the worst also but will hopefully lead to more advancements in the technology.

Did anyone from Deadspin check in with Drew this morning? You guys have a buddy watch all set up or is he sleeping it off in the local drunk tank?

No. No. AND.....No.

Could I ride it every day? How does it handle? Is It comfortable?

I see Nissan’s hardball tactics go all the way to the top. Recently shopping for a car for my wife, she decide on an SUV so she could haul the baby and the dog no problem(Living the god damn American Dream). She really enjoyed driving the Nissan Murano but also liked the Ford Edge.

3 seasons of fun with this thing up here in the Northeast.

I recommended this based on your use of the word “poser” which I havent heard in a long long time

I loved my 1098S, but it was a bit tiresome to ride in traffic. What I loved most about it was the balance, handling and the Ohlins bits that really made you feel connected to the road and in control(as much as one can be i suppose. Id really love to know how it feels in the corners and more specifically how it feels

this should be COTD. Just saying

Very simply, keep on keeping on dude. I read jalopnik for years before ever signing up for a kinja handle. I love the stuff you right. It reminds me of why I’m passionate about bikes. Sometimes your writing is as good of an escape as being in the saddle(cant always ride in frigid ass NYS). Thank you for what you do