
Here’s an idea, share the road and how about you slow down. The guy didn’t even completely cut him off or merge into him. If he hadn’t gone up the side I doubt he would have even needed to be super hard on the brakes. Some of the best riding advice I have ever gotten was “Ride like the cars cant see you”. Something

Thanks! Those look great and in my oppinon would really improve the profile of the new machines

Can here to say don’t let Highball! see this.... I have failed.

Oh Christ, not this thing again! There is so many things it COULD be but a car, let alone a decent car, is not one of them. I’m sure any day now the Ponzi scheme will come crashing down and Mr. Elio will abscond to the small , sovereign island hes bought. Paid for by the hopes and dreams of his workers and the people

Yeah.... tons of parts they can overnight from Japan

From NYC. Ive seen people piss themselves and vomit on the subway all without anyone saying a god damn word. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least that no one did anything . If the dude is fucked enough to take a dump on a crowded subway car hes really go nothing to lose when he comes at you for calling him out.

Cant we go back to the good old days of polluting the environment so I don’t have to see obnoxiously large cans at the back of sexy motorcycles? I can live with the lights, the rest of the bike looks great. cant wait to read Sean’s review and become even more jealous that I sit in a cube while he rides and writes

My cousins grandfather (cousin through marriage) had one. He garaged it and pampered it like it was a 250 lusso. We weren’t even allowed to breathe on it. I never understood the big deal cause my mom had a lebaron and they looked the same.