
First off, everyone knew a 1999 accord was way less desirable than the boy racer civics of the time. Also how many miles were on it when you started driving it, how many owners etc? And add an exception to your above for the fact that browsing craigslist now-a-days your likely to find giant hunks of shit that are

but its not 5K....

Can the 77 people who voted CP please explain this to me? Please use small words.

Any sense this response made is completely negated by the fact you used the phrase “Strong Islanders” un-ironically and without mocking or sarcasm.

I find that a lot of the row your of variants on CL are listed as automatics and wither its an inital gaff by the person posting the ad or some type of glitch where the transmission choice cannot be changed im not quite sure. Most motorcycles on criagslist ive found are listed with “automatic transmissions” as well.

It get an NP because its a car that would likely serve its purpose of providing cheap transport for a reasonable amount of time.

I grew up right outside of NYC. The day after getting my learns permit, my father took me into the city with him on some business and for lunch. Coming out of the restaurant my father tosses me the keys and says “Take us home”. This is midtown or close enough to it, at 4pm, during an late summer day, on a Friday. I


The Bourne Supremacy was kind of accurate with some things. The scene where he is in New York and fleeing the NYPD. Bourne rams road blocks backwards, instead of head own(like most action movies) to protect the engine giving him a higher likely hood of keeping the care running and escaping. 

another mcfarland quote from last night

$5,100 to sit at the cool kids table at the next radwood? 

I want a Golf R.

This is exactly what I want to do to my 2003 E46 XI Sedan, so I’m a little biased by how impressed I am with the swap and how it looks. I still would never, EVER...never ever ever ever. pay anywhere close to 26K for this car. This is really well sorted E60 M5 money.

Ive concluded much more of America does drugs than is currently being reported. 

ARTICLE 14. TWISTING, PULLING, OR TURNING THE FACEMASK. No player shall grasp and control, twist, turn, push, or pull the facemask of an opponent in any direction. Note: If a player grasps an opponent’s facemask, he must immediately release it. If he does not immediately release it and controls his opponent, it is a

I LOVE these cars. Ive wrestled my wallet over buying a few of them. I wouldnt touch this with YOUR 10 foot pole. 

Drinking at a friends house about 10 or 11 years ago. Went to relieve myself off a retaining wall...that was 14 inches from the ground....I thought I heard someone coming to give me a shake me so id get piss all over myself(22 year old’s are fucking DUMB but I digress), turns out no one was even close. I lost my

RUNNN Away! RUUUNNN Away from the pain yeah yeah yeah!

A manual Hiliux for less than 3K? Reading the write-up should even be necessary. NP all damn day, twice on Sunday and 3 times ever 3rd Thursday.

What advantages does the HondaJet have over say..a train...which I can also afford?