Sticky Ditka

It’s almost like you didn’t notice the picture of the two-page spread calling the team arrogant - not a minor thing

+1 3/5

This and the ‘person of authority’ bit comes off as a 1950’s dad yelling ‘because I said so!’ at a teenager who wants to take the car to the malt shoppe

My first thought was “Where’s the mom? Better hope it's not getting ready to fuck you up for approaching the fawn!"

The media needs to stop calling Incognito’s behavior “bullying”. It’s harassment. It’s violence. It’s criminal. This is not some junior high kid pulling pigtails because he doesn’t know how to properly express his emotions or calling the smart kid a nerd on the playground because he’s insecure about his own

Jizzm is a noun, jizz is a verb.  For example:  You jizz, but you step in a puddle of jizzm.

I’d love to see Kenan Thompson replace Lorne Michael

I always figured they’d have gone the way of Red Hot Chili Peppers if Nowell didn’t die. Probably would’ve kept making records that weren’t *bad* and put butts in the seat at concerts, but no one is really sure why they’re still around making essentially the same sound over and over again with heavy references to

Obviously they shouldn’t have run the video, but at least it was a legit apology and not some “sorry if you were offended” bullshit. It sounds like someone screwed up and the organization isn’t trying to weasel their way out of it.

Also, someone should be fired over this, regardless of whether the video was chosen inten

Tax attorney here: there are a couple different types of transcripts with different availability timeframes.

I was actually surprised that he gave an appropriate apology, not some “sorry if I offended” or some other garbage. Sounds like he was trying to make a joke and realized what he said was super offensive.

(To be clear, this is not excusing him from saying some racist shit. Obviously, the best practice is to not be

I bet there’s at least one guy who was banking on getting the video of him only getting a massage being released so he could show it to his wife

+1 Mel Torme

Look at Mr. Fancy Shit with his “table cloth” . . . fucking humble braggart

I remember when I was invited to the White House, I wasn’t hungry, but thirsty.  I must’ve drank me about fifteen Dr. Peppers.

“Go fuck yourself San Diego” - Stephen A. Smith

Is cojones really better than nuts? They’re both slang for testicles, right?

Two circular pizzas with equal circumferences will have the same amount of crust despite the way the pizza is sliced