Yeah, this sounds like something I would've tried when I first started cooking for myself - but only once.
Yeah, this sounds like something I would've tried when I first started cooking for myself - but only once.
Dood needs to read up on the 10th Commandment
Chicago hotdog joint tamales aren’t the same as you’d get at a Mexican place. Not bad, just different. Probably closer to the canned stuff.
Making one tamal isn’t labor intensive, but you can’t make just one. A pound of pork yields roughly one billion tamales - it’s an all day event for the uninitiated. If you want fresh tamales, at least in Chicago, go to a street corner with an older Mexican lady sitting behind a fold out table and a giant igloo drink…
Generally, you are correct. However, the show does get into some history with the Fraggles before they discovered the Gorgs’ garden and it’s radishes. I think they ate mushrooms, but the mushrooms ran out. There is also plenty of dialogue referencing other foods, though they don’t really appear in the show (there is…
Put some in a milkshake (vanilla) - you don't need a whole lot and it's pretty fantastic
Puerto Rican =/= Mexican
I think someone else mentioned this, but the sweetness of the ketchup is redundant with the sweet relish - Chicago dogs don’t use dill relish
GUMBOGUMBOGUMBO is the combination to my luggage
Whether college athletes get paid won't change the fact that schools profit off athletes' labor
I think we can all agree that infants shouldn’t be having children
What you should be looking for are the celery ribs
Several years ago, the DePaul location had a kitchen fire and the Morton Grove location picked up their delivery range. Delivery took 90 minutes and I gleefully tipped 40%.
I’d recommend trying deep dish if for no other reason you can really only get it in Chicago. I’ve have deep dish outside of Chicago and it just isn’t the same. Hell, half the pizza joints in Chicago that offer deep dish don’t do it right. Not withstanding everything I just stated, I’d recommend getting it from…
He should’ve had the duration of his rookie contract to not play any meaningful role with the team so he could reach his full potential of being a not good backup? If this is take is in Peterman's defense, I see it winning a lot of championships.
I understand that restaurant workers don’t get justly compensated for their labor, and maybe I’m being overly cynical here, but a restaurant owner bringing attention to the fact that 90% of restaurant workers aren’t offered employer sponsored health insurance by adding a surcharge is essentially the employer saying…
Before I start, let me make it clear that given our current healthcare system in the US, all employers should cover health benefits for employees.
I have an issue with employers adding something like an employee-benefit surcharge or a health insurance surcharge. They’re adding a surcharge to compensate their employees?…
O’Brien does not seem like the type of guy who changes the empty toilet paper roll