Bone is definitely a book series I bought . . . for my kids and that’s the story I’m sticking to.
Bone is definitely a book series I bought . . . for my kids and that’s the story I’m sticking to.
The world has already had one 2006 Chicago Bears
I think it’s also important to note that Donald is straight cut. Wilfork is a big pudgy dood, strong as hell, but also his official weight was 325 (I’m guessing it’s actually closer to 350). Donald is about 285 and all muscle and just an inch or two shorter. I’m thinking Donald’s wear and tear will be more like that…
I’d enjoy McGregor fighting an intimate object, especially one in the light-middle weight class. I’m not even sure they make dildos that big though.
Unless his normal start time is 9. I’m not complaining about etiquette when my boss yells “Get the hell out of here!” 3 hours before close on a Friday.
I played Magic a looooooong time ago (early 90's) but my brother-in-law plays so I guess now sometimes I do as well. I never played in a tournament. This makes me the oldest noob you’ve ever met.
I’m sorry that asshole did that to you and it sucks that no one did anything. And my point was, regarding Miller, I’d completely believe pretty much anything claimed against him. I just haven’t heard any genderbased/sexual complaints against him from Silicon Valley. Given his track record, it’s surprising. That’s why…
This is where my confusion lies in this particular case. From everything that’s been reported about Miller getting fired, it was due to him being an asshole and a bully, showing up to work late and drunk. Management knew about this and I presume they did *something* before firing him. It’d be weird if after all the…
This is an honest question, not some sort rhetorical #NotAllMen or whatever argument: what exactly were the other cast members supposed to do? From what I’ve read of the situation, it appears that Management knew that TJ Miller was a jerk and weren’t doing enough about it until they fired him. I can totally understand…
He spent his entire time as Press Secretary lying. Why would anyone buy his book with the expectation that its contents are anywhere near the truth?
Also: If you want to read it, for whatever reason, just get it from your local public library
I’m sure he was only his running mate because The Colonel was a fiscal conservative, but socially a liberal
I know it’s not my place to do so, but I’d totally give Colonel Sanders a pass if he dropped the soft-a n-word
Again, if they’re voice actors and it shouldn’t matter, then WHY ARE THEY ALL WHITE? Just a coincidence? And this isn’t just considering the actors who have been on the show since the beginning. IMDB lists 25 voice actors who’ve been on the Simpsons at least 10 times. Only one is a person of color. If you include…
The question that is being asked in these articles is why is every voice actor on the Simpsons white? dunno, if I meet Raiden, the last thing I’m worried about are his parents
It’s like we already voted for a Fiery Doritos® Loco President Extreme
If it was an Arboritorium, you’d be next in line to be Secretary of the Interior
1 Hand is usually all I need for enjoyment
Is it bad that I’m sort of relieved that the NFL is taking this approach? Hear me out: they are a business and should be protecting their profits, it’s what businesses do. At least now we can drop the charade that the NFL is some sort of quasi-police/judicial system that is responsible for maintaining law and…
I was mildly amused by the video, but kind of shook it off as being made by some millenial internet content creators looking for the clicks. The fact that this was made by a driver’s ed video company is hilarious.