Sticky Ditka

One of the best car camping tips I can give is pick a camp site by one of those out of the way microbreweries that are in the middle of nowhere. Spend part of a day in town checking out the brewery, hit up the tasting room to get stuff that you can’t get anywhere else, bring something back to the campsite. If you’re

This is exactly what I was thinking. Trump footing the bill for the wedding out of the kindness of his own heart? I’m guessing it was part of the NDA payment.

It’s the political version of “I’m not racist buuuuuuuuuut . . . .”

My incredibly bad lip reading skills lead me to believe that he actually says “stand beside *me*” rather than “her”. This fucking guy literally makes everything about himself.

There’s a difference between “wouldn’t hurt a flea” and “wouldn’t intentionally hurt a flea.” Unfortunately when mental illness is involved, it’s a significant difference.

6'3", 236

This just illustrates the point that the police don’t care. They know it’ll come out and they know that nothing bad will happen to them as a result. The MPD might end up paying out a settlement, but the individual officers will be a-ok.

Northwestern was founded *after* the creation of the State of Illinois and Cook County. If you actually lived in the area and paid property tax then you’d know that the checks get written to Cook County. Also, if you lived in the area then you’d know that Loyola University is located in Rogers Park and Loyola, like

The people who actually watch the national anthem before the game are so far on one end of the spectrum that they are almost the same as the people who only watch Super Bowl for the commercials, who occupy the other end of the spectrum.

Historically, yes, Evanston was created by the founders of NU, but it’s not like the area that is now Evanston would be sitting undeveloped if it wasn’t for Northwestern. There were already settlers in the area before the Methodists moved in. It might still be called Ridgeville, but there’d still be people living and

Don’t worry, NU doesn’t pay property taxes either so they’re not only screwing the players and the students, but the community as a whole! GO NU!

I always thought it was Lieutenant General Manager

I’m going with Newt Gingrich if he really let himself go

Maybe she’d stay employed if she didn’t keep fighting our Veterans who have put their lives on the line so she can enjoy these freedoms. ‘Merica!

So it wasn’t because he declined to stop kneeling, it was because he hadn’t a firm plan to stop kneeling? Am I missing something?

So you’re saying as long as they were asking for it, you’re ok with adults banging children. Got it.

Hammer? You mean deadly weapon/burglary tool

I was going to say, there are usually monitors which would show everyone on camera what was written

Good thing there’s so much to do in Green Bay that alcohol will be the furthest thing from his mind