Sticky Ditka

Ever been on the beach with seagulls approaching whatever picnic materials you have and then thought, “I might have to fight these birds”? Think about it, fighting a flying seagull with your bare hands. You can’t lean into them cause they’re flying, it’s hard to land a punch. I’m pretty sure I’d be backpedaling until

I’ve heard a similar argument, but different conclusion. The important distinction being that while a camel can fit through the gate easily, it is not so easy when it is laden with material possessions. The implication being the merchant would need to shed his wealth in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I was thinking of the pool analogy exactly. Take pool, throw in some bowling and shuffleboard, and put it on ice. 

I used to think that the Beatles were highly overrated. They do a lot of good stuff, but there’s usually someone I can think of that did any one thing better. The big thing is if you look at everything they did, their discography as a whole, and then realize it went from cheesy Please Please Me to Let It Be in only 7

From what I understand, the in-house succession planning exception needs to be in writing in the coach’s contract. As for Garrett, apparently Dallas did interview a couple token minority candidates before officially signing Garrett as HC.

It appears that a team can request to be exempted from the Rooney Rule by the

There is an exception to the Rooney Rule for in-house succession planning like this. Baltimore just did this with elevating DeCosta to GM without having any interviews because there was established succession plan for an in-house candidate.

Am I the only one who read the judge’s quote and thought she was referring to Hammurabi’s Code? The whole ‘eye for an eye’ bit? Thats why she said the part about allowing rape as punishment for rape is unconstitutional.

If anyone ever says that there’s no difference between morals and ethics, this is a perfect example

I wonder if Mrs. Hampton actually said that Germany was landlocked. I wonder whether you’re lying about your entire experience. I really think you’re just trying to be a jerk and as argumentative as possible.

The Eagles, the Patriots, and Richard Spencer are walking on a beach when they find a lamp. They rub the lamp and a genie comes out granting them three wishes. First, the Eagles wish to be in the Super Bowl and *poof* wish granted. Second, the Patriots wish to be in the Super Bowl and *poof* wish granted. Last,

Read this as “Jeff Goldblum” at first and got a little excited/confused, then a little sleepy and a little ashamed.

I 100% agree that people who act like children should get shit thrown at them. That’s why my coffee mug says “World’s Best Dad”

Solution for avoiding moths: don’t rewear clothes you’ve sweated in at all. Sweat = dirty, not *kind of* dirty and rewearable.

I wear undershirts all the time. If I get a little sweaty, the undershirt will absorb it. The top shirt will likely stay dry and clean (unless you have unusually filthy forearms maybe?) and can

For reference, an undrafted free agent rookie minimum salary for 2017 is $465k. and a practice squad player gets $7.2k/week. So the owners are putting up slightly less than the average of an undrafted rookie and a practice squad player. Given the context, it’s a paltry amount.

I just read the ESPN article and it sounds like I’m missing something. First, somehow $89 million is almost $100 million, which seems generous, but whatever.

Second, the numbers don’t really add up. At the local level, each team would contribute $250k annually. That’s $56 million over the 7 year span of the agreement.

How many times did you pee? Seems like a lot.

I dunno, she doesn’t particularly look like Jennifer Connelly. If someone showed me that picture and asked who she was supposed to look like, I don’t think I would’ve come up with the right answer in 100 guesses.

Is there anyone looking into any sort of communications between Bennett and NE that might constitute tampering? This seems to be quite the coincidence and seems a lot like what happened with Blount a couple years back. A lot of smoke to there not be some sort of fire.

In my quick skimming of the comments, I read this to be “I hope Bob Kraft cleans his dick.”