
“The most progressive member of the Obama administration”

“The least spoiled egg salad sandwich at the county dump”

Do you know who you sound like when you use one poll to discredit an entire line of thought? (A fuckface. That’s who.)

Jesus, Drew. Trump probably thinks a 40+ sheet combined wipe is too lavish.

You sound like a complete twat

*submits comment to Library of Congress*

Drew you’ll always be MY favorite cracker

MH manager Poop Ghirardelli was very pleased

Hopefully the wealth offsets the nightmare of having to keep that in your pockets

Plus with XTC you just need to be On Grass

You’re named after a massive one, so you’d know

He’s Brazilian, and star athletes there like to go by one name, so even though it’s technically his first name I’d call it a McLovin’

“Imaginary Barry” - Order on VOD!

He called and thought he saw it but he was wrong. It was just an Innervision

Fuck you

You should stop reading stuff on the internet then

Don’t TEASE me

This is the only plan I’ve seen that makes sense

So many Stockton Slaps, so many straight reds

Change we can believe in

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