Stickler Meeseek

That makes sense. I mistakenly got the impression that Rick created the trials before they even got the call since in the video he was in the garage, but I guess that's just where he teleported to that night. So that pretty much throws my theories out the window.

But what's the counter-point? Everyone thinks he's great in the end.

Like in SAAAAWW!

Between this and last week's episode, it's getting a little too nihilistic for me. But, could it be a small silver lining that Rick thought that Morty could have been the answer in the end? Or was he just grasping at straws?

Get DOWN here!

I watched the Scorpion fight recently, and I didn't remember its being so awesome.


I'm excited for that insane piano torture device in the opening credits. Not everything makes it into an episode, but that looks too cool to be a throwaway.

Yeah, Rick just calls it Thunder instead of Blood, which was a name swap the writers made, so that ends up feeling kind of empty when you think about it.

Outside of characters, I just think she's really quick and good at picking up on stuff. But I also like HoHo and Todd.

Werner Herzog's pitch for Grown Ups 3 - "As [Sandler regular Allan Covert] is dying in the burning building, he cries out 'I'm gay!' because that kind of thing is inherently funny in these movies."

Yeah sort of like Dr. Pepper 10. Anyone ever try that? Seemed like a decent idea to me.

But they didn't start doing the face thing until after the first five or six seasons; there have gotta be characters that are more iconic left.

That was underwhelming. Just a teaser, but it didn't demostrate anything fun from the book. Is the orc guy the main character's avatar?

He also directed Clown, which is on Netflix and somehow quite good despite the ridiculous premise.

What about someone with 2 versus 3?

He's great on snl. That'll do it for me.

Seems like solid casting to me.

They usually devote just one episode to "issue" episodes and make the main arc more personal. I realize this is a more omnipresent issue, but I still trust them to do a great job.

They're not lazy because they take them to their logical extremes, like when someone calls him by his first name, "A Ryan."