Stickler Meeseek

I just finished Breath of the Wild's main story after spending countless hours wandering around and completing shrines. And I gotta say, though I had a blast while playing it, it really doesn't linger. The lack of story and structure robs it of staying power.

So you're using the literal definition of remarkable.

That's pretty good, but it would still go away if it's deleted.

Better Off Deadpool

This Vulture does seem to be literally faceless in the suit, which is disappointing. I mean, the Vulture always seemed pretty lame, but so did Doc Ock before Raimi.

So I wonder if Tom Holland will be Spider-Man forever now, leading the MCU movies. It'd be cool to see him grow into an older Spider-Man, but it would also be restrictive career-wise.

But they could have cut it out. I wonder if they thought it could count as part of the joke, but it just ends up being a bummer.

Yeah they really phoned it in. The best part about it was that it moved fast. Mantzoukas was the only one showing some effort. Also they weirdly left in a joke about Obama being the current president.

Pretty similar to Deadpool though.

Yeah, to me The Host was a pretty straightforward monster movie with some comedy; I don't understand the high praise.

The parkour guy with dreads was too cartoonish?

But Banshee's dead; he's dead!

Yeah…that seems like a bad idea. I guess at least Kraven has the last hunt, but that's Spider-Man-centric.

Caleb Landry Jones, the creepy brother from Get Out, would be a good fit.

Damn, was hoping for Bojack in July.

I wonder if they were going with their hyperactive style? The Star Wars films are fairly static in that sense, so it would've been odd, but probably awesome.

Would they ever actually cast someone that short? Doesn't seem like the Hollywood way. Though Jackman is the Wolverine I grew up with, so it might be hard for me to see.

I haven't thought about that movie in forever. I like it!

I thought the Prime trilogy with motion controls was great.

I think most people probably considered that maybe the main characters are actually the ones who left, but not that it could be balanced like this.