Stickler Meeseek

Does they?

The Silent Realms were great and also freaky.

Just finished Hero Mode last week. That shit was tough. I died so many times, especially at the beginning with fewer hearts.

I don't think it'll do unprecedentedly badly, but I do think it'll make a good amount less than Deadpool. X-Men's an old franchise, and this movie doesn't have the exciting marketing that Deadpool did. I don't think Oscar Isaac is a big enough draw for people, at least not under all the makeup.

Yeah that's true. How'd they do it in the comics? Seems like they could've just had Professor X do it.

I agree. People bitch about the continuity, but it doesn't really bug me, and I like that they haven't done a full reboot.

I loved Skyward Sword. The highs are really high. Basically I enjoy every major Zelda that I've played. A bunch are tied for my favorite because they all have unique characteristics.

And the third ranged from terrible to disappointing.

Yeah I really liked Hateful Eight, but it didn't end up being as much of an event as his other movies. I think that's partly due to the contained nature of the story, but also maybe because of superficial similarities to Django?

Maybe Cloverfield comes from a really preppy family.

But even Prometheus did a little more than this to connect to its predecessor. I wonder if people (me) would've been happier if we also just saw Clover or multiple Clovers wandering around at the end. Maybe!

Yeah you're right. The only difference is that at the end she could have chosen safety, whereas in the bunker it was either act or stay with John Goodman, where she was in danger.

You mean in that it gives it away? We didn't really know that going into this movie though; it's only the second.

I guess I would say Mission Impossible 3 is my favorite movie of his. Super 8 was pretty good too though.

I don't think the 2017 movie will be an origin story. He's in this; people know who he is. I could see there being brief flashbacks or an Incredible Hulk type thing.

I thought the action sequences were pretty average.

This is a pleasant surprise. Sandler and Stiller have never starred opposite each other.

Maybe also "90s kids" that weren't alive for most of the show but saw it a lot on Nick at Nite? That's my age group, and I'm seeing some enthusiasm from people.

I saw a clip of that scene, and it's one of the worst things I've seen on TV.

I was laughing my ass off at the Adam Quardero reveal on CBB.