Stickler Meeseek

That Ellen clip is actually hilarious; the kids are really spaced out/stupid in it.

I will say that I haven't thought much about the most recent season since I finished it, though I did really like it while watching.

I think you're right. With the excess of good shows I wouldn't normally be inclined to rewatch one, but I think this would be worth it. Plus it's pretty short.

I agree. I could see it being run into the ground on the actual show, but the concept itself is funny.

I was going to post the same thing.

I love the early shot of the guy looking at his absent baby.

BoJack has the best opening and ending credits combo ever. They're a huge part of what initially attracted me to the show and kept me watching through the first several episodes.

I don't really see your logic. Couldn't a movie be terrible because of its gender politics?

I think he/she was pointing out how there are some holes/contradictions in It Follows's story, but the mood and visuals make up for it.

Not sure if insulting SNL is the way to make this happen.

What don't you like about the remake?

Maybe she ran into Joey's dance instructor at some point?


It can be four things.

That does not make sense!

I'm glad to hear some optimism about this. I've been hearing a lot of really harsh negativity toward the Singer movies, but I've always liked them and found them more interesting than the MCU ones.

I'm hoping Oscar Isaac will make the villain interesting

I'm pretty impressed by whatever CGI thing they did for his eyes. Looks convincing.

I got it in my head that Michael Cera was going to be Jesus; it kind of sounded like him when some production assistant was talking to him.

Oooooh yeaaah, I'm gonna need you to vomit outside of your mouth.