Stevie Knicks

Its not.

She’s an asshole.

Sure, but like, the only thing that looks the same is the 3 x 3 palette shape. No one owns that layout shape. The important thing in beauty business is the product itself, which looks different here. The colors are kind of similar I guess, but if I owned all four of the palettes shown, I wouldn’t feel like I was

If we’re going to say that 3 x 3 round pots of pressed powder are somehow unique, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.

Never go on a game show! Never do it!

One time Earl told an ump “I’m going to check the rulebook on that!” Blue offered his and Earl said “That’s no good, I can’t read Braille.”

I think the penalty for complaining about having only part of your submission republished should be having the entire submission deleted.

The article also ended with this part that Jezebel conveniently left out...

Jezebel should be embarrassed by this click-bait garbage.

IT’S NOT BLACKFACE. Blackface is something used to mock. This kid will never be seen on the screen. This is a perfectly normal case where the stand-in needed make-up to match the actor’s skin tone. Look people, proper stage lighting is different for light and dark skin. That’s not racism, that’s just physics. And

You’ve got to be kidding indeed. I’m sorry, if you’re offended by this you’re a moron.

Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.

I think we might have just found the biggest non story in human history.

Ben McAdoo looks like the first date your mom gets after the divorce

Ben McAdoo looks like a guy who has ordered multiple samurai swords from ads in the back pages of hustlers from the 80's

Ben McAdoo looks like the fourth or fifth guy you’d hire to to assault a figure skater with a baton.

Does anyone in the comments travel more than once every few years? Musical chairs is routine, especially on full/overbooked flights. Especially in the upgraded areas (premium/first/business). The seat goes to the person with higher miles/status. And where that’s a non factor, it goes to whomever was assigned the seat

Who paid to sit in first class and who got a free upgrade.

This is one of those stories where I feel like I definitely need more information before I inevitably judge the shit out of one or both of the parties involved.