Stevie Knicks

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

One problem with this take. After he started publicly musing over ideas, he actually did start talking to the dive rescue team privately on email. The “sub” concept was developed with input from the rescue divers and they continued to press Musk to design and deliver the sub, as shown in a series of emails posted to

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

Giuliani probably thinks you need to wear a condom to ensure you don’t contract VPN.

This is loooong...but stay with me....

It’s because he thinks the anthem is somehow related to the presidency, and he thinks the presidency makes him the king of the USA and that everyone should show him respect and worship him. He doesn’t grasp the most basic thing about the presidency, that it’s about representing the people, not ruling over them.

Probably in the minority here, but I think it’s fair for an athlete not to want to take part in someone else’s political speech - not wearing the jersey isn’t that different than not wanting to stand for the anthem. This isn’t a private team, it’s the USWNT, for all intents and purposes an arm of the state.


Police later found an unloaded gun in his back pocket, and determined his BAC had been nearly five times over the legal limit. 

Have you ever been in a bathroom used only be a woman, let alone one with multiple women? They’re fucking disaster zones.

Isaiah Thomas shouldn’t have started his rehab with this drill.

She’s not going to stop being racist, if anything, she is going to speak more and will act as a victim.

Can I still say just that the kickee completing the tackle is REMARKABLY impressive?

They still made one more three than Cleveland so you can say the same for the Cavs. Boston just got outplayed.

Cleveland only shot 2% better than Boston did from 3. More will fall for them on the average night, too. Also, Kevin Love (3-12) and JR Smith (3-9) stunk it up. The idea that the Cavs were firing on all cylinders last night, so all Boston needs to do in future games is sink a few more shots and they’ve got these guys,

An apologia for a child murderer.

Temporary insanity?!? Did you not read her statement where she expresses no remorse and makes herself the victim? I’m sympathetic to immigrants, but she killed two children and not only isn’t sorry about it, is whining that she got caught and even expects people to feel sorry for her over it.

As someone that doesn’t watch the OWL or care about the game at all.. I clicked on this link to read about it based on the headline as it sounded interesting. I did find it interesting. However all the topics you just listed, “AimGod arrived in NA today, big deal. Fl0w3R turned 18 today, pretty big deal. OWL patch

I hope twitch grinds him into the dirt, until he drops his bullshit suit.

chicken in red wine is literally like Julia Child’s signature recipe, what are you talking about