Stevie Knicks

I know Eastern teams in general turn into Dee Reynolds on open mic night when they face LeBron in the playoffs, but this was just a night where one of the GOATs decided that this game was his and no one was gonna stop him. It’s one of the best things you can see in sports.

Someone courtside pissed off Lebron and that has proven to be a terrible decision over his entire career. The first time I can remember was Chris Bosh’s girlfriend talking shit when he was in Toronto. Raptor fans should know better.

To the other 11 Cavs:

Hitting Lindor IN Puerto Rico after he blasted a home run would be a bold move on the part of any pitcher.

I know golfers are pretty easy targets, but give Finau some good mojo.

Trying to play 18 holes with only six balls, a unique thrill and tradition unlike any other.

I bet after ball #4, Sergio was thinking about screaming “Dilly Dilly” so security would come and escort him off the course.

Once again, some scorching hot Kinja. Thanks guy.

Um, what?

When it’s from an adult with her own television show and is meant to harass and mock a teenager who recently experienced and survived a tragedy.

Wait they’re mad at an immigrant for speaking English now? What the fuuuckkkk.

Gonzaga elevated themselves out of mid-majordom sometime around their fifth-straight NCAA tournament bid in 2003. Their basketball program alone spends twice as much as Loyola’s entire athletics department.

The nuns never owned it. That’s part of bring a Catholic religious order. The Church owns the property. Even property that was donated to your order. It has, literally, been that way for 2,000 years. Welcome to the kleptocracy.

Not a Katy Perry fan, but she seems to be being villainized for something that is exclusively the fault of the archdiocese (unless I’m missing something). Perry is just trying to buy a property that was apparently on sale, the dispute of who owns the property is really not on her.

Yes!! Jordan won those titles because he was gritty. Playing against Jeff Hornacek, Craig ehlo, Dan Marleje, John Starks had nothing to do with it. Having Scottie Pippen on his team had nothing to do with it. It was all because he was gritty!!!

As opposed to all the other attacks that are not super douchey?

You seem to think posting videos on website owned by a private company is is a right and they have to let you do it ....

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

An event with a judge involved who does anything other than enforce rules is not a sport but an exhibition.