Stevie Knicks

False: We actually have laws for incidents involving one person convincing another person to commit murder. It’s still murder. Fuck off.

Ya know, there’s a reason they put that stuff on the escalator median. If you can’t figure out what that reason is, you get what you deserve.

To paraphrase Darwin - the stupid must be punished.

In the states the cars have little gauges that tell you when your tank is getting low, and thus when you should refill it.

No, the one that recognizes there are problems with the system and tries to help others regardless.

And some of them have done nothing wrong

It’s on the company for not verifying legal age, not on the parents for kid lying about it. Like how the kid or parents aren’t at fault if a kid gets served alcohol at a bar, the bar is the one at fault.

I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.

Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

Go to better restaurants.

I never commented before, but I will gladly do so now.

Pop is a vet and therefore much more qualified to talk about guns than the vast majority of people in congress.

Storming the field is against the rules as well. The ‘victim’ put himself in a vulnerable position and ran in the path of a player as they are trying to leave the field. Both have some blame.

If you don’t think Simmons and Embiid are among the most interesting players to watch in the NBA, then you, sir, are a crap fan.

It’s one thing to give your own account or support someone else’s but to speak on their behalf when they haven’t said anything publicly is going too far. They didn’t even come forward when she was sued.

I think the crux here is nobody has made an accusation publicly to stand behind.

What a dumbass. If he had just beaten up his girlfriend or child like a normal NFL player instead of smoking weed, he would have been reinstated a lot sooner.

not really, no