Stevie Knicks

You mean other than the guy mailing bombs to prominent democrats and journalists I assume.

Baker transferred from Tech to Oklahoma because despite walking on and playing extremely well for them they still weren’t going to give him a scholarship after he got injured. He also didn’t go play for Oklahoma in the same year he left and in fact had to sit out the entire next year before he got to play for

Yes, and Tom Brady was a 6th round pick.  But if your plan to replace Tom Brady is to use a 6th rounder on a QB the results will only be slightly worse than assuming you can replace one of the best backs in the NFL over the last few years with a 2nd rounder in whatever year you chose.  Sure it’s possible, but

He doesn’t need credit for a full season he’s already a free agent. It really doesn’t matter.

Right, but 32 is 6 years from now. They give him a “long term” deal that actually runs for 5 years but is realistically a 3 year deal with essentially single year deals after that, just like many NFL contracts.  That way after 3 years the guaranteed money is all gone (except for some signing bonus proration).

And Trent Dilfer won a super bowl as a starting QB, that doesn’t mean he’s as good as any other starting QB of a super bowl winner. Different teams run different offenses and want different types of players. Just because NE barely cares what RB they use doesn’t mean that’s true for every other team as well.

Generally speaking guarantees are mostly only in the first 2 or 3 years. The signing bonus will last the length of the contract obviously, but other guarantees after 3 years are generally just for injury and aren’t true guarantees. So even if they give him a 5 year contract, the guarantees that are really the only

He’s already a FA so accruing a year of service doesn’t matter at this point.

Why wouldn’t it be smart to re-sign arguably the best RB in football when he’s only 26? RB’s are replaceable to large degree, but that’s much more true when you’re replacing Carlos Hyde or some other decent RB. Bell is better than that.

Not sure what he’s referring to, but my guess based on his tweets is he’s saying that while he was obviously there Tom Herman is the one to blame. Presumably he’s blaming Herman given that Herman was the offensive coordinator/QB coach while Smith was just an assistant, so Herman likely called the shots on road

So you’re standing by your initial comment that missing some late night west coast events is the same as refusing to watch an entire sport, even though those are obviously not comparable?

Probably because he misses some late night games, not cutting out entire sports.

I believe if he’s pardoned then he no longer has 5th amendment rights to not self-incriminate. So then when called he would be forced to talk and tell the truth unless he wants to get additional jail time for perjury. A pardon of Cohen wouldn’t help Trump at this point.

If you consider every single plot detail a spoiler then sure I guess, but I thought something was only a spoiler if it was actually spoiling something.

People are free to debate the politics he’s talking about and why they disagree. However, that doesn’t somehow make it okay to try to bury a kid for”whining” (that never even really happened) or make fun of him for getting rejected from colleges. It’s a completely personal attack and not related to anything he’s

For the same reason he gets paid more. People are willing to pay to see him, so he has the leverage over them to make sure he only works with people he wants to.

Because people have consistently shown they are willing to pay money to watch him, which is all the studio actually cares about at the end of the day.

Abandoned to die in a dumpster?

Njoku has actually played pretty well, and has gotten significantly better in recent weeks. Blocking in particular he’s gotten a lot better at the last few weeks, and he’s always been a very strong receiving threat.

Babies get left to die in a dumpster on a weekly basis?