Stevie Knicks

This is exactly like the press outta North Korea. Not even a joke.

Nope yourself. Trump cannot make it more difficult for some citizens to get official government communication because they happen to says things Trump doesn’t like. Why is this so hard for you? He’s the president of everyone, not just those who agree with him.

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”

There is no tricky part where I’m looking.

Yup, lets dig up the bodies of old athletes and if their corpses can’t beat their old records lets invalidate them all. Makes as much sense as your shit talk.

Part of me thinks that he’s near death and North Korea only let him go bc they don’t want a dead American on their hands,

I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the

Lol, every big company has their own accounting group. They may even do audits, but you can’t provide independent audits of yourself. You need to hire an outside, independent firm.

this whole administration is about to borscht at the seams.

The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time

Thanks for giving courier drivers a bad name with no evidence to back it up, just speculation.

What’s interesting to me is that he is prohibiting someone from viewing government communications as a punishment for their speech. That sounds exactly like a 1st amendment conflict.

His twitter account is a government account. Your comic applies to private companies. So you jumped the gun in your frantic desire to dig up that comic, because it does not at all apply here.

The comic has nothing to do with this issue.

Sean Spicer said today that Trump’s tweets were official Presidential statements. If you’re willing to go on record that this is a format for official governmental statements then I think that hurts the case for blocking.

No, an elected official blocking constituents on Twitter is petty. If the snowflake can’t handle dissent then he should delete his account.

The fundamental question is whether his twitter account represents any sort of official governmental communication. If so, then his blocking of dissenting opinions is ABSOLUTELY afoul of the 1st amendment. If not, then you are correct that it’s a private matter. While I agree with your exasperation over common

He’s the government telling a private party block someone’s access. It’s different.

Unfortunately, being a public figure (and in this case, a government figure) means different rules apply. Their argument would have been stronger if they were complaining about blocks on the official @POTUS account. The problem with Trump’s personal Twitter handle is that he’s using it for official business

He’s the government. I just threw up in my mouth typing that. But, he is deciding who can read the message, and who can respond. It’s a first amendment issue.