i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded
i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded
Hahahaha, I mean of course I know what “lean” is, but maybe you should explain to everyone else what “lean” is, in case they don’t know what it is.
If you can’t handle being criticized, then you’ll never be able to handle being praised!
When did republicans stop understanding how insurance works? Literally the ONLY thing that can keep costs down is the fact that we all “pay for each others’ insurance”. That’s the only way it succeeds. That’s how all insurance works, has ever worked, since the invention of insurance.
“Officials at the university estimate that it’ll cost about $3,000 to exhume and rebury each body, at a total cost of $21 million. The university is now considering an alternative plan in which it’ll do the work in-house, at a cost of $400,000 per year over the course of eight years.”
I have never played football beyond the high school level, and I walk into grocery stores and can’t remember what I needed to get.
It cannot possibly be overemphasized, that Republicans in Congress are exempting themselves from the worst parts of their bill. There is a special place in Hell for this level of hypocritical selfishness right next to all of the self-enriching Christian evangelists.
The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody.
Read that whole graf: You have to meet both requirements to comply with the NFL’s gambling policy, not to be in violation.
Voters better fucking show up then too.
I have an announcement.
It’s so weird that Ballmer is doing this and Gates is eradicating malaria, but Jobs — and his total devotion to consumerism — is the one we’re supposed to love.
Nintendo must love losing money to scalpers.
Less important than the explosive force, the bomb will suck all the oxygen out of the caves, leading to catastrophic decompression, meaning the target’s lungs will explode. That is why it is used on the tunnels.
Thank you. That up there was a thinly veiled defense of airlines practices. In reality, they will pay bottom dollar to kick people regularly, and fight tooth and nail to give anything more. Overbooking is not a necessity, as a previous article here shows not all airlines NEED to engage in this practice to stay afloat.
And that’s why they get the negotiated split of the vast majority of other revenue streams.
I’m not entirely sure why relocation fees should be included in the split to be shared with players. Is there something I’m missing? It’s a transfer from one owner/ownership group to the other owners for the right to move territories.
What exactly are the costs of these “no-shows” that you say are brutal to flights? Is it how the airlines still get paid without having the actual passengers? Is the reduced weight they would have making the fuel costs cheaper? Is it the less passengers to have to serve on the flight?