Stevie Knicks

This is an unfortunate, but not unsurprising, outcome of over consolidation in the airlines industry.

Your rights were basically forfeit the second you purchased the ticket. Passengers agree to being bumped (with compensation) whether they read the fine print or not. Dude probably should have read the fine print. The police shouldn’t have body slammed him.

They didn’t ‘over-book’ the flight - they needed to get their own employees to the destination so they had to displace paying, seated passengers. Not a good look.

United have an explicit contract that specifies when they can throw you off the plane. Check Rule 21 and find for me the justification they could have used.

Wide feet here too. I haven’t set foot (har har) in a shoe store for ages since many don’t stock wide sizes. The Internet has been a godsend in that regard, but even some manufacturer’s “wide” sizes aren’t enough (New Balance, for me).

This ends with Bannon literally cucking Kush and having a torrid affair with Ivanka

Derek Jeter is happy he retired before this existed


“I thought heptathletes couldn’t have babies because they were born with both parts?” - Emmitt Smith

in their defense, anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that they spend a great deal of their time screwing in light bulbs, which would invariably lead to less time for education.

Roland Capers sounds like the name of a college point guard...

Doctor: I’m sorry to inform you of this, but you have lung cancer.

I think it sounds like she is out for money.

I think you’ve had the wrong ones....

Five Guys is good food but they have the weirdest goddamned French fry process.

Oh please. As if you’ve never seen a fight start develop from one of these handshake lines...


Shouldn’t it technically have been Footy McFoot Face?

“And once we get it done, and then we can have the chance to really explain it.”

Not really clear on what they expected him to say? I mean, he says, “Hey, folks still working at US Weekly, this is going to be really good for you and the people who have acquired you are good people to work for,” and he says, “Hey, folks who are still working with us, don’t worry, this is part of a bigger plan