Stevie Knicks

Wouldn’t he want to play with good players instead of Lonzo though?

That’s a horrible example. If my kid turns 16 and I let him use my car, he lies to me about where he’s going, and goes to a bar and gets shitfaced you think the major legal happening there is CPS coming to my house? Because if I had to guess the major legal issues will be to the bar who let a 16 year old get shit

The post broke the Roy Moore story, which is almost certainly the confusion there.

This is the correct approach for any of these situations. Anonymous internet rumors mean nothing. If victims come out and accuse someone it turns into an entirely different situation, but trusting anonymous internet people only leads to problems.

It’s really gonna suck when Trump pardons him 10 seconds after they charge him with something.

Calling 22 murders in a year an epidemic may be a little over the top and comedians saying insensitive shit is about the least shocking thing I can think of. Granted its Chappelle so people are going to talk about it, but this is some pretty tame insensitivity in comparison to a TON of bits by all kinds of famous

“That same study, which its authors stress was done without any influence from the NFLPA, also found that an NFL player is 3.8 times more likely than an NHL player to sustain a concussion in a regular-season game—a figure that doesn’t include data from practices, training camps, or the preseason and postseason.”

The free market largely does works like that...when barrier to entry is low and therefore competition can be high. When people ignore that and act like someone can just startup a multi-billion dollar telecom company and compete they just sound stupid. Well...they sound stupid to a small % of the population who is

The explanation about deferring his taxes to earn more with the cash elsewhere is obviously a load of crap, or he’s surrounded by idiots. He probably just blows through all his liquid assets and deferring a couple months does make more sense then having to sell off investments and paying taxes on those earnings.

1 + 1 = 2

“They are just blocked while logged in”

That’s the rules for twitter, not for a sitting president and how he distributes news. No one thinks he’s breaking twitter’s rules.

“They are just blocked while logged in”

That’s not what that means at all actually. The President is free to have twitter or not, but if he elects to use twitter he can’t block some people for communicating or receiving official government news (which his twitter account clearly qualifies for as was noted in the article). Nothing forces the president to

Frankly, the fragile, scared and overly sensitive aspect is probably half of what drives them to being racist in the first place. Racism provides them with a convenient way to blame other people for their shitty life. 

You’re bad at reading I guess? This has never been talked about as part of a rookie negotiation, it’s solely been discussed with veteran free agents. If veterans are getting long term guarantees that might be voided they certainly have more than one team as an option. In other words, at no point would this ever be

Not sure I understand the problem. It’s not like they are retro-actively applying that language to existing contracts. Players can feel free to tell any team to eat shit for trying to put that clause in there and not sign.

I mean she’s pretty clearly over the top fake and phony and if I never heard her name again that would be fine. Like you said though, there is zero motivation of any kind to make up fake sexual assault claims for her.

This is a shockingly bad article. Color me unsurprised that 90% of Billy’s other articles are about soccer. ‘Merica

And I hope airlines making Billions of dollars a year in profit can figure out how to schedule their own employees’ flights.