Stevie Knicks

So you are saying it wasn’t a Chicago police officer like all the stories say, but actually a member of the federal governments’ airport security? Or are you actually just saying random bullshit that pops in your head?

What exactly are the costs of these “no-shows” that you say are brutal to flights? Is it how the airlines still get paid without having the actual passengers? Is the reduced weight they would have making the fuel costs cheaper? Is it the less passengers to have to serve on the flight?

New rule proposal: In the event the airline be forced to kick passengers due to overbooking 1st class passengers are required to be booted first.

In the case of an overbooking United would have been required to pay anyone they kicked off at a multiplier of their original fair (3x or 4x I think) up to $1,300 (domestically I believe). So $3,200 might still have been a cheaper option for United than just booting them.

No, they definitely shouldn’t do that. First it would be massively more expensive for Blizzard to try to sue thousands of individual users than one company making the cheats possible. Also, no single user cheating would be of significant effect on the online community to have any real negative consequences to the

Neegan isn’t a problem at all, it’s the “good guys” that are the problem. Rick and crew are really only a few hairs away from Neegan with how they act, except they’re also no fun for a full 2 seasons now. I mean they went through all this trouble for the entire season and eventually found a large group to add to

I kind of get the anger over this, but also think it’s pretty short-sighted. Do we really want the Trump administration to legally require people to out themselves in the census? Is a list of all the LGBTQ people being available to this administration really a good idea?

Based on what are you 99% sure of that? Your extensive knowledge and experience of this coach’s interpersonal relationships, or just because you say so?

I would argue that’s in fact not a very close description of the situation at all. Given that we know his play style is effective based on win rate, the only person on his team he’s actually effecting in a meaningful way is his fellow bottom laner as the other 3 teammates won’t have their roles or responsibilities

And situations like this are why a lot of people stop playing LOL. I played LOL non-stop for a few years, but it stops being fun when you are forced to play the same game over and over again because any creativity is reported as toxicity. I stopped playing normal games for custom matches like ARAM because they were

Counterpoint, that show is not terrible at all.

I guess that is kind of true, but only if you for some reason had expectations that it wasn’t mostly just a good excuse to have cool giant robots fight equally huge monsters. I mean if you were expecting a best picture nominee then I’m sure you were very disappointed, but that would also mean you intentionally

You are right that Warren shouldn’t be the nominee in 2020, but wrong about the reasons why. The fact that Warren is a woman isn’t that big of a problem, how far left she is will be the issue. Hillary couldn’t carry the undecided voters because no one liked her. Warren is going to be too far left for undecideds

Yah, he’s the juvenile one for telling someone sitting in the front row of a comedy show to stop making a scene. Don’t get me wrong George Lopez is a terrible, but it’s not like that was a secret before this comedy show. This is the exact same type of joke he’s been doing for decades now. If you go to a George

And I have no idea what the real number is, but blatant hypocrisy always annoys me and it happens SO often here. We whine and cry about all the fake news crap like breitbart or the completely manufactured stuff (which we should be doing), but then do basically the exact same thing all the time. No one trusts “the

While Trump is somehow an even bigger disaster than predicted, we should tread lightly on using un-sourced or extremely unreliable sources for writing stories. Maybe these reports are true, but just because someone in Yemen said our SEAL team killed 59 people including women and children including burning down their

Sadly, they are mostly correct.

Sure, but if your computer never leaves your house then it’s just an annoying pain in the ass.

You thought wrong.

Sure enough. The problem here is that I’m shockingly dumb sometimes.