Stevie Knicks

Lincoln’s first inauguration? Was there a second that I’m not aware of?

My expectations are also extremely low, but that should be expected when the article title is not not badly written.

Maybe instead of broad assumptions based on absolutely nothing you should withhold comment?

I guess it just depends on what they meant. Initially they did jump around to a bunch of different planets, and if you cared to try to follow so you knew exactly where they were all the time it would be confusing. If you just rolled with it though, it cleared itself up as the movie went on and you had more

How does he sound super-villainous? Everything he just said sounds like a solid decision. If you take someone to the ER for a cold or flu (excepting a small % of people with severe and dangerous flu) you are a dick wasting the ER’s time and potentially delaying people who actually do have emergencies. That’s largely

Good ideas get stolen from people lower on the food chain in all industries no matter their gender, race, or anything else. Similarly, telling someone above you how to do their job isn’t always going to get taken well either, even if done with the best of intentions.

Well it really depends. If he wins and they have to cover his attorney fees then his current way will still be cheaper, though obviously a much bigger pain in the ass. Also, if I was a different car manufacturer I feel like I might lend out my in house corporate lawyers to this guy for free, just for fun.

“Flipping the bird isn’t a suspendable offense to anyone.”

But one person saying it was rape doesn’t mean it was rape either. Were you there? Did you see the video they are talking about? Did you talk to witnesses? How do you know it was rape?

It’s not Uber’s fault people don’t understand how taxes work as well as they should. That probably does suck for some people who don’t understand how taxes work, but what is Uber supposed to do about that? Have tax training courses? It’s not like it’s a secret they are hiring contractors not employees. I just

But that’s the whole point of the business model. If you’re driving an uber to get rich then you are bad at planning. However, if you just want something to make some extra cash here or there when you have some free time then it makes a lot more sense. The way the business works they actually do use contractors,

As long as it’s a baby mouse I would probably eat that. Baby things are delicious. Baby cow, awesome. Baby pig, awesome. Baby corn, awesome.

Or you could read any of the other 20 replies I have in this thread where I say I agree with everything the people in the story actually said, my problem was with how they framed the article.

I’m going to assume you have poor reading comprehension.

Read the title of the article again. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s the shit that makes everyone just ignore the “liberal media”. The title of the article sets up your expectation to be based on things that are actually happening, not just what people are scared might happen.

I’m not saying anyone shouldn’t be scared, believe me I’m terrified of what’s going to happen too. That’s not my point on any of this though. Similar to how I’ve responded to lots of other people here, the problem here is this article was framed as a look at what’s already falling apart in Gov when nothing has

Gov employees should have an idea, and when things start happening their experiences are extremely worthwhile. None of that is what’s in this article though.

But articles like this don’t get your voice heard, that’s kind of my point. The title of this article frames it as an informative article about what’s happening in the Gov already from insiders, but it’s actually just the same standard fears most people (reasonable people at least) already have based on what their

Yes, I agree with all of that. Which is why every journalists shouldn’t write articles based entirely on people’s fears of what might happen and instead base them on facts.

They should have waited until they did something worth condemning them for yes. That doesn’t mean waiting until after the holocaust like you’re implying, but we don’t live in the minority report and we don’t put people in jail for things that haven’t happened yet.