Stevie Knicks

I find every single thing about him being our president terrifying. That said he’s been quoted as saying just about everything at this point, including tons and tons of completely contradictory stuff. We know he isn’t actually going to do half of what he’s said, as at least half of it is probably

There’s some validity to that, except that everyone already knows how people feel for the most part. The real problem is this article should be titled “Government Employees On Trump: I’m guessing it will suck?”.

Not really. My sentiment is for journalists to do their job. It may or may not get traction with people who can do anything about it, but that is mostly irrelevant as to whether or not they should do it. What they shouldn’t do is write fear mongering articles with no legitimate information that everyone will just

Agreed, and people should write articles about that, absolutely trashing him for it. That is a great topic. These are all just opinions from scared people based on nothing but their fear of what he MIGHT do though.

So this article is just letting Gov employees document what they fear will happen then? I mean, we all expect Trump to be a debacle but should we maybe wait until he does something to to get upset or are we just going to write fear mongering articles based on nothing forever?

That was certainly a fun season, but it was also clear all season that Anderson sucked and was just getting bailed out by Winslow and Braylon (which seems crazy now but actually happened).

That’s who I’m talking about yes. I’m not saying that is was actually the C’s fault, just that a miscommunication between the LG and C is what happened here.

Miss communication between him and the center. He was trying to pass him off. You could see him asking the center what the hell he was doing during the game. Don’t know who is right there, but our C is arguably the worst offensive lineman in the league so I tend to assume him.

South Park really mocks everyone pretty evenly, which I why I love the show so much. You have to be able to self-reflect and maybe not take everything so seriously. People acting like South Park is picking on just them need to step out of their comfort zone a little bit and stop working themselves into a frenzy by

Just insult Putin & Trump a bunch. I’m sure someone will help you out with pretty soon.

Maybe instead of being pissed at Gary we should be pissed that the DNC couldn’t put up a candidate that wasn’t disliked by a majority of the population. It’s not Gary’s fault that the other candidates were such shit shows that people voted for him out of protest.

I get that you feel that way. Based on ratings and reviews most people disagree with you. Regardless of that you can certainly see a huge difference between fantastic Four and DOFP right?

Not really. Fantastic Four was terrible, Days of Future Past was pretty good, and Apocalypse had some bright spots but was over all pretty mediocre.

OK. I hope you enjoyed “your” election then.

And shit like this is why Hillary lost this fucking election now. You needed more “entitled white male schtick”, not to tell them to shut the fuck up. The “entitled white” demographic is why Hillary lost to the worst presidential candidate of my lifetime.

Kind of embarrassed? Did you misspell extremely?

Trump is an aberration to pretty much any group. While being sexist/racist/narcissistic/hypocritical/completely full of shit are traits shared by many a politician, none have ever pulled it off quite so completely as Trump.

Depends if they try to do something stupid on election day. I could very much see the US respond if they did something stupid.

The American media is controlled by money, not the Gov. If the Gov controlled it we wouldn’t have both fox news and MSNBC, we’d only have 1.

Browns fan here. *indescribable sadness*