Stevie Knicks

Yep, 100% this. The only exception there is if they plan to drop some cash in FA this year, then that could offset their compensatory pick. So if they plan to spend in FA this offseason, for Brady’s last couple of years presumably, then this move makes more sense for them.

Gary Baxter also accomplished this while playing DB for the Browns in 2006, because when some terrible freak injury has happened it’s a safe bet the Browns have already accomplished this.

I don’t understand why anyone thinks he’s vexing or perplexing. It seems quite clear what his deal is. Extreme show of authority, that he can do whatever he wants to you whenever he wants, so that you understand he’s boss and will never even consider messing with him. He’s using fear as a motivator to ensure he can

As someone who didn’t even know the comics existed until a few weeks ago, and who never watched a single second of the Walking Dead until a few months ago I feel like I can offer a clean perspective on this theoretical question. I watched all six seasons in the last few months, just finishing up season 6 in the last

How did she decide to ignore facts on this one particular topic?

That is a great way to do it. Have a spot where everyone is free to name who they’re voting for and why. Then we can just make assumptions on the people who didn’t disclose. I don’t see a down side.

Probably China.

Wait, a pork knuckle is a real food and not a sex act of some kind?

Holy hell I’m either horrible at typing or autocorrect is a bastard. She should be someone needs to “invent an” not inventory in.

That might be overly harsh on Rose, depending on what really happened. There’s nothing wrong with that situation if everyone was there voluntarily. If that was the case, and the charges were just a money grab, then how they treated her on the stand is completely justified.

Maybe just double down and start each day with an irish coffee enema?

Not cure enough is a very valid criteria on which to judge a potential date. What phone you use is not.

If a woman you’re interested in doesn’t want to go out because you don’t use an iphone, then it should be considered a bullet dodged. Anyone that would do that is an idiot.

How much experience do you have with IV’s, because I can think of a few good ways to pull this off.

“People have a talent for trivializing racism, especially if it’s the brand that doesn’t affect them. Like they have a serisiously uncanny talent for it.”

Those are not cinnamon rolls and anyone that releases a recipe for them without icing is a bad person and blatantly committing fraud.

If someone offered you a cinnamon roll for breakfast and then followed that up by serving you a roll with no icing you would be pissed. That is because they clearly did not deliver what they claimed they would, as if it does not have icing it is not a cinnamon roll. They are just eating chili with some type of bread,

I just wish there would have been some Windows 10 auto-update drama, because that would have been awesome.

Hopefully. Black squirrels are A-holes. They run around in groups terrorizing brown and grey squirrels.

Batters shouldn’t change what they swing at based on a couple of bad ball strike calls no. If it is consistent then yes absolutely, but not because a a couple of pitches total.