Stevie Knicks

I am getting your point, I’m just disagreeing as to the severity and the impact it has. You say egregious, but what is the actual difference? If the ESPN article people have linked actually showed the numbers I missed them. All the ESPN article appears to show is the difference between what often gets called a

That’s true, but we’re talking about a couple total pitches that’s true for over two games and in total the Jays have still been the beneficiaries more often than the Indians. So in relation to Joey Bats talking about being intentionally screwed he’s blatantly wrong.

As a browns fan I can tell you that no, Brian Hoyer and Dowell Loggains have in fact never tried this.

Right, but it’s all in an effort to paint a picture that doesn’t exist. We know objectively what should and should not be called a strike. Based on this objective data we know the incorrect calls are roughly equal and the Jays have actually had more go their way.

Like I replied to someone else, that’s trying to factor in how umpires often miss call balls and strikes. Why would we use that analysis when we know what objectively should be called balls and strikes like the article above is using?

That is based on what umpires often call as the strike zone instead of the actual strike zone though right? Per the stats in this article above, the actually number of calls that objectively should or should not be called per the electronically accurate strike zone were roughly even. Trying to factor in what umps

It is objectively not true. They have the digitally accurate stats in the article showing errors are roughly equal, but actually slightly favor the Jays.

In the short term yes, but that answer changes in the long run. Priority #1 is keeping the popularity of the NFL as high as possible, and you do that by entertaining as many people as possible. Limiting where they can see gifs of cool stuff limits who will see it and over the long run loses potential viewers.

Your first two sentences are true, and also not relevant at all to your first post or my reply. Your last sentence is just you making up a straw-man scenario that would involve misogyny in some way. Stop looking for reasons to be mad about something. Everyone here is mad at the women in the story because they are

Undecided =/= having one much higher rated than the other. If you’ve seen anything he’s said he’s pretty clearly not voting from Trump. Stop trying to justify why it’s ok for a website like this to completely shit on someone just because they can. The editor should be embarrassed.

True, but theoretically real journalists shouldn’t be posting that bullshit. It’s not newsworthy. Ken will be famous for a week for seemingly like a decent dude who could laugh at himself at the debate. He’s even donating a % of money he makes off all this very temporary fame to charity. Posting embarrassing shit

It’s true. I read almost everything over there that relates to news and not celebrity stuff. There are some level headed people, and some people just aching to get pissed about about something trivial.

Telling someone they need to get laid isn’t gender specific, as it applies to anyone with too much time on their hands that they use to be a pain in the ass instead of doing something productive. Truthfully, trying to curtail this speech only when directed at women is what would really be sexist / misogynistic in

I’m just over 30 and that was how I was taught in school too. Is this no longer the standard?

I assume this was a joke about NCAA “amateur” athletes that none of the people responding to you noticed?

Those distinctions are important in basketball, but mostly meaningless in football.

It’s legal because both sides are agreeing to the contract. What prevents a team from massively overstating the years of the contract and then cutting them later is how signing bonuses work. If you did what you are suggesting then every time you cut a player you’d be eating their entire signing bonus the year after


Yes, that was entirely the conclusion.

“Yenni apparently used official visits to pick up a boy”