Stevie Knicks

We better be less than 5 years away. I can watch people get eaten alive with pretty realistic looking blood and intestines everywhere, but tits are somehow a no-no? I mean wtf.

Breaking news: Guy who makes a living spreading rumors about famous people is a shithead. More at 10:00.

I phrased it in a dumb way, but I meant in a normal election I think he would have been forced to drop out long ago. Hillary is easily going to win, but she’s had enough scandals of her own that there is going to be a sizable chunk that will never ever vote for her.

Let’s not pretend that what his question was would have actually changed the answers he got. Trump only even attempted to answer about 3 questions the whole debate.

No he wasn’t. He threatened to threw her in jail. Lied about everything. Supported a war criminal over his running mate. Outright refused to answer numerous questions or even attempt to stay on topic. Complained like a 5 year old every time he went over his limit. Claimed he didn’t say something that every person

You think normal people take joy in other people getting bound and gagged and held at gunpoint? What you describe as “normal people” sound more like crazy idiots.

Good call. Go looking for the stupidest part of twitter and then complain it’s stupid. Solid plan.

Just surprised its not Brugal honestly.

I’ve never touched google alerts, so I don’t know what all they can do. While twitter isn’t great for having in depth discussions, it is still useful to communicate a little bit. Plus, with Twitter I get to see what bunch of people whose opinions I care about think is relevant through retweets. Maybe there is

The fact that they do it 3X daily is the same reason an EPI pen style alternative doesn’t make that much sense for diabetics. You need the convenience when it’s something you need for emergencies but don’t actually need to use often.

Let’s be honest here, no reasonable people thought it was fake. Idiots did. The same type of people who legitimately believe chem trails are real, that George Bush was so dumb he couldn’t talk in full sentences but also managed to pull off the biggest con of all time by blowing the the WTC himself without anyone

Sure. I don’t actually use twitter to post things or have conversions with friends, it’s a mostly terrible app for that. It’s a terrific app for up to date news / entertainment / whatever interest you.

How about athletes and political figures. Do they count?

Gizmodo is on twitter (along with all the other formerly gawker media outlets), and so are most if not all of the writers.

You’re posting on Gizmodo and you don’t know anyone who still uses it? I think I know someone who is full of shit.

Twitter is a terrific tool to get news and information faster than anywhere else. if you’re trying to use it to have in depth conversations or develop a following of idiots to listen to your pointless thoughts then you’re using it wrong.

If you rear end someone you are at fault, with almost no exceptions. You are required to leave enough room between you and car in front so you have time to stop. If you rear end them you have failed to do this so you are at fault. I don’t think PA is a no fault state (not 100% sure) so yes, they would pay for

This so much. They all look the same. Its impossible to not look the same.

I took an old vacuum from my parents with me to my house when I bought one. It’s definitely older than me so we’re probably talking about being from the 70's here. To this day it is still a more effective vacuum than the other 2 or 3 we’ve bought in the last decade. It also ways a ton so it stays as a down stairs

Right, they’ve been expelling them based on written school policies. That is the entire point of this case. Brown doesn’t have policies written that would allow them to handle the situation like they did. You are arguing the other side of the case by accident here.